RAWMI-Listed Raw Milk Farms Across North America

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Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) Listed farms submit test data monthly to show that they are in compliance with RAWMI Common Standards, which target a rolling three-month average of <5,000 standard plate count (SPC) and <10 coliforms per ml of raw milk. Some RAWMI Listed farms choose to use a Test-and-Hold program, whereby they pre-screen milk and only allow milk that meets certain standards to be used for human consumption.

RAWMI Listed farms also submit an Annual Checklist to ensure continued low-risk optimization of their production of raw milk. Most Listed farmers choose to participate in our voluntary penny-per-gallon donation program in order to help the Raw Milk Institute sustainably continue its work.

*Due to the Canadian legal situation with raw milk, these dairies choose to be unnamed on the RAWMI website.

Interested in becoming RAWMI Listed? RAWMI mentors raw milk dairies of all sizes. Learn more here.


ACM Grace Hill

Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2023

Location: Washington, Iowa
Contact: Andy Meader - email: dairy@meader.name or call 319-653-4934
How to Buy: On farm sales or scheduled deliveries

Profile: Andy and Christy Meader live on a small acreage south west of Washington, Iowa in a historic community named Grace Hill. Andy grew up in Grace Hill. Their home is the original Grace Hill store, mentioned in the book Iowa Outpost written by Katherine Buxbaum who grew up in the home. Since 2006 they have used raw milk for their own family and found it helpful for many of their health concerns. They believe in the importance of quality local nutrition and produce A2 raw milk from registered Guernsey cattle. They are proud to follow the RAWMI framework for producing the best quality raw milk products.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 500 0
January 2025 156 0.44
December 2024 300 1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Bells Bend Farms

Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2025

Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Contact: Tyler Skelton, website: https://www.bellsbendfarms.com/dairy, email: tyler@bellsbendfarms.com
How to Buy: We offer both pet milk and herd shares

Profile: Bells Bend Farms is a small family farm consisting of 40 acres that include both cropland and rolling pastures. For over 15 years, we have been dedicated to growing organic vegetables for our community-supported agriculture (CSA) program and for the past 9 years we have provided raw milk for our community, utilizing regenerative farming practices. What began as a single cow for our family's needs has grown into a thriving community offering. 

We have a small herd of Jersey cows focusing on old-world genetics, improving our herd’s ability to convert grass into rich nutritious milk with every generation. Our cows are rotationally grazed on carefully managed pastures throughout the year, ensuring optimal health and well-being for our cows and our land. Our dairy products can be purchased as pet milk or acquired through our Herd Share program. 

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 dry period dry period
November 2024 390 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Blueberry Dairy

Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2024

Location: Rogersville, Tennessee
Contact: Philip and Linda Hopkins - email: phopkins1757@gmail.com, phone: 423-293-4487
How to Buy: Tennessee requires that all raw milk products be sold through a herd share agreement. Currently, our customers pick up milk on the farm, but we have done deliveries to a limited area.

Profile: Our farming journey began with an organic fruit orchard producing apples, pears, and blueberries. In early 2020, we felt that livestock would be a good addition to our farm, and goats seemed to be a natural fit with our rough terrain and limited grazing area. Caring for these wonderful creatures has been a delightful, and sometimes hair-raising adventure.

Our goal is to produce healthy, delicious milk and other dairy products by having happy, healthy goats. We both are strong believers in the family farm and are grateful for the opportunity to make that happen in our community.

RAWMI has really been a great asset, helping us with maintaining an incredibly clean production line. Their support for our on-farm laboratory where we do regular bacterial screening has been an essential step in ensuring that our milk is as safe as possible. We look forward to continuing our farming journey with them as mentors.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
November 2024 47 <2
October 2024 220 1
September 2024 69 <1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


British Columbia Dairy 2


Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2021

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Contact: Due to the Canadian legal situation with raw milk, this dairy chooses to be unnamed on the RAWMI website.
How to Buy: This dairy does not sell milk to the public. Milk is produced from the privately owned herd and is available exclusively to herd co-owners. Herd co-owners pay a monthly boarding fee.

Profile: We both grew up on hobby farms, and as we grew older, the desire to return to our roots grew steadily stronger. We longed to produce healthy whole foods, to become as self-sufficient as possible, and to return to a lifestyle surrounded by the natural rhythms of animals, plants, and environment. We especially had to know that the animal products we ate are from humanely and ethically raised animals. After 4 long years of searching, in 2018, we found and bought our dream farm.

Our farm is small and diverse, integrating managed intensive rotational grazing, follow-the-leader animal impacts, and organic practices to naturally regenerate soils depleted by years of conventional farming. We do not use any herbicides. We use organic fertilizers as dictated by soil testing to hasten repair of deeply imbalanced mineral levels. Soil health, carbon sequestration and animal well-being are of paramount importance. We believe that happy, well cared for, pastured animals produce the most healthful foods. And, as we knew we would, we fell in love with our cows!

During the grazing season we move our tiny herd of Jersey cows to fresh grass daily, over 5 acres of irrigated pastures set between orchard-planted silvopasture lanes. We supplement their diet as needed to keep them healthy, using non-GMO grains and organic alfalfa. When grazing is not available, we feed local grass hay.

Raw milk safety is of the utmost importance to us. We feel good about our uncompromising commitment to producing clean, nutrient dense, delicious milk. We are excited about our slowly growing micro-dairy and the opportunity to provide fresh raw milk to our family and the supportive community that surrounds us.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
December 2024 dry season dry season
November 2024 5 0
October 2024 3.8 0

British Columbia Dairy 3

Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2023

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Contact: Due to the Canadian legal situation with raw milk, this dairy chooses to be unnamed on the RAWMI website. We are hopeful this will change.
How to Buy: This dairy does not sell milk to the public. Milk produced from the privately owned herd is for the production and sale or organic goat milk soap, and for the use of the herd owners.

Profile: This is a functioning farm on a small patch of land. Several La Mancha goats live on the property along with a handful of ducks.

Our farm has a wonderful southern exposure and following permaculture and regenerative agriculture practices, this allows us to grow an abundance of blackberry bushes, grapevines, fruit trees, and vegetables in our raised garden beds. Our mission of treading lightly on the earth, food security, and mindfully raising and processing our animals is of vital importance to us.

Raw milk safety is more than peace of mind; it’s an innate desire to produce the best product for organic goat milk soap and delicious, nutritious milk and milk products.

Our cold-pressed goat milk soap is made in small batches and uses simple, sustainable, organic carrier and essential oils. We look at the ingredients we use and how they impact not only our lives but also the environment. We use recycled paper for our soap labels and repurpose packaging materials when needed.

We own a home lab so our delicious milk can be tested frequently ensuring Coliform and SPC meet standards for raw milk as established by the Raw Milk Institute.

We are passionate about providing a self-sufficient lifestyle growing and raising the organic foods and products we need to remain healthy and independent.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
Nov 2024-Feb 2025 dry period dry period
October 2024 13.25 1
September 2024 16 0

Cast Iron Farm


Listing Status: Active, LISTED in 2013

Location: McMinnville, Oregon
Contact: Christine Anderson, post@castironfarm.com, 503-560-8600,  www.castironfarm.com
How to Buy: Direct farm sales only; contact Christine for details

Profile: Christine Anderson, a seventh-generation farmer is the owner and operator of Cast Iron Farm. Christine showed beef and dairy cows in her youth and has won championships for both. After going out into the world to get a “job,” she realized that the only acceptable occupation would involve her passion, namely working with cows and creating healthful and life-full food for her family and her community. In 2007, Cast Iron Farm was born out of that realization.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 320 0
January 2025 860 4
November 2024 460 0

Chapman Family Farms & Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2024

Location: Morrill, Nebraska
Contact: Melanie Chapman - (308) 225-3979, https://www.facebook.com/ChapmanFF, website: https://chapman-family-farms.square.site/
How to Buy: On-farm sales only, per Nebraska State raw milk laws. Please contact Melanie to arrange a pickup or place an order through the website.

Profile: ​Chapman Family Farms & Dairy is a raw milk dairy that is situated on the family farm making up of 158 acres. Chapman Family Farms & Dairy is owned and operated by Elliot and Melanie Chapman. The dairy was started in 2020 to fulfill the passion Melanie has for dairy cows. We started with one cow which has grown to many more girls. We milk year-round. Ours cows are fed all NON-GMO and organically grown hay and corn.

Chapman Family Farms & Dairy is proud to supply the community with local, wholesome and nutritious products. We have a small farm store onsite featuring our raw milk dairy products along with local vendors, including grass fed/finished beef, our own home-grown pork, eggs, honey, soaps/lotions/tallow balms and more!

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 200 3
January 2025 297 7
December 2024 193 5

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Churchtown Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2018

Location: Hudson, New York
Contact: Mike MacDonald - info@churchtowndairy.org, (518) 851- 2042,  www.churchtowndairy.org
How to Buy: Direct farm sales only; contact info@churchtowndairy.org for details

Profile: ​A project of the Foundation for Agricultural Integrity, the Churchtown Dairy is a biodynamic raw milk dairy farm that strives to serve as a beacon for those working to promote regenerative agriculture and restorative communities. Located on 250 acres in Claverack, NY our herd is comprised of 28 dairy cows and about an equal number of young stock and beef cattle. Our Brown Swiss, Jersey and Guernsey stock eat a primarily grass-fed diet and are given a life as in tune as possible with their natural rhythm. Calves are kept with their mothers and run with the herd, causing a slight decrease in milk production but also reducing stress on both the mother and the calf and thereby contributing to the harmony of the herd.

Calves who are unable to be kept as replacement heifers are raised for ground beef or veal, with the same care and attention as is given to the dairy cows. We also keep a number of pigs who feast on excess milk and whey from cheese production, as well as grain and table scraps. We strive to create a whole-system farm, in which nothing is wasted and all is either eaten or properly composted.

Working with the rhythms of the land, the sun, and the farmers, we work to create a farm that is both beautiful and healthy for the land, the animals, the farmers, the water, and our surrounding community.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
August 2023 2,000 141
July 2023 1,000 4
June 2023 1,000 1

Creambrook Farm


Listing Status: Active since 2021

Location: Middlebrook, Virginia
Contact: Ben & Kristen Beichler, Email: yourfarmers@creambrookfarm.com Website: www.creambrookfarm.com
How to Buy: Raw milk available with a herd share agreement and fresh deliveries weekly throughout Virginia. Visit www.creambrookfarm.com to learn more and join!

Profile: Creambrook Farm is owned and operated by Ben and Kristen Beichler. They have a grass-fed Jersey milk cow herd and offer raw milk through herd shares. Ben and Kristen have been dairy farming since 2012 and bought their farm in Middlebrook in 2017 and started the raw milk herd share. Along with their four young sons, the Beichlers are passionate about family farming and producing wholesome, delicious raw milk for their community.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 400 <1
January 2025 1,043 <1
December 2024 269 2.9

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


De Melkerij

Listing Status: Active since 2022

Location: Harlan, Iowa
Contact: Esther Arkfeld, (712) 579-6498 DeMelkerij.farm@gmail.com, https://www.demelkerijfarm.com/, and De Melkerij Facebook Page
How to Buy: De Melkerij does not sell milk to the public. Milk produced from the privately-owned herd is available exclusively to herd co-owners. Herd co-owners pay a monthly boarding fee. For more information on the herdshare program, please contact Esther.

Profile: De Melkerij (“The Dairy” in Dutch to pay homage to her Dutch heritage) is owned and operated by Esther and is a micro-dairy located in rural Iowa.  What started out as buying one milk cow to produce nutrient rich, fresh milk for our family has turned into something bigger. On our homestead we rotationally graze Jersey and Guernsey cows.  All are registered, a2/a2, and fed a natural diet of fresh grass supplemented with free-choice hay and a very small amount of non-GMO/organic grain as a treat at milking time. Our cows are dearly loved and add much joy to our family and homestead.

Producing safe raw milk is what brought me to RAWMI. I believe that getting back to nature and allowing our animals to live the life they were naturally created for, ultimately allows them to produce healthy and delicious milk. My part is to produce it in such a way that it remains as safe and fresh as possible. By implementing safe processes and procedures and by using an on-farm lab, which allows me to test our milk frequently, I can be confident in meeting the RAWMI standards for safe, quality fresh milk for my family and community.

Natural living and accessibility to nutritionally dense foods are at the core of what our homestead is all about.  In addition to fresh milk, we also produce grass fed beef, free-range eggs, raw honey, and herbal products.

Esther is a leader for the local Weston A. Price chapter, a member of Farm-to-Consumer-Legal-Defense-Fund and an active member of the local National Ladies Homestead Gathering chapter.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 100 0
January 2025 267 0
December 2024 225 0.25

Fiat Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: Bethel, Minnesota
Contact: fiatfarm@protonmail.com
How to Buy: On Farm Sales (must bring your own containers)

Profile: Fiat Farm was started with a desire to get back to the rural lives we grew up loving so our children could have the same diverse experience. Our passion for regenerative farming and milking cows has grown into a desire to share the high-quality milk they produce with the local community.

Over the last several years, we have worked to establish the natural pasture soils on our property and have been diligent to provide our herd with the best possible feed and environment to thrive. We go to great lengths, including the Raw Milk Institute standards, to ensure clean raw milk for our family and others to enjoy. 

Fiat Farm is a member of the Farm-to-Consumer Defense Fund. 

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 15 0
December 2024 95 5
November 2024 33 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Fond Du Lac Farms

Listing Status: Active since 2016

Location: Casa Grande, Arizona
Contact: Rick Anglin - info@fonddulacfarms.com,  fonddulacfarms.com, (844) 729-3276 (844-RAW-FARM)
How to Buy: available at all Arizona Sprouts Farmers Markets stores as well as other locations; for a current list, see fonddulacfarms.com/store-locations

Profile: Here at Fond du Lac Farms, we are committed to the timeless practices of yesterday coupled with the knowledge and information of today. We believe that God created food to care for His creation and that altering it’s natural state is unnecessary. For thousands of years people have consumed fresh milk and have enjoyed all the benefits. Today’s information allows us to handle this product with great care so that both your family and ours cans consume milk as nature intended.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
September 2023 400 0
August 2023 1,400 0
July 2023 250 0

Godspeed Hollow

Listing Status: Active since 2018

Location: Newberg, Oregon
Contact: Sarah King - Sarah@godspeedhollow.com,  503-515-7293, www.godspeedhollow.com
How to Buy: Direct farm sales and herd share, available for pick up from the farm or via drop site ; contact Sarah for details

Profile: ​Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, Godspeed Hollow is a small, raw milk dairy operated by Bubba and Sarah King. As 5th generation community members, the primary focus and purpose of the farm’s work is to establish and maintain local access to food and drink for generations to come. While the farm provides a diverse product offering to community members, dairy cows have become the farm’s primary focus.

Godspeed represents our journey to the farm, through the support of family and friends and those who came before us on the property. It is a sentiment meaning best wishes for safe and prosperous journey. Our mission is to ensure all who we work with and whom visit our farm find care and nourishment, respite from their journey, and Godspeed.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 700 0
December 2024 500 0
August 2024 900 0

Grassway Organics

Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 3.18.40 PM.png

Listing Status: Active since 2020

Location: East Troy, Wisconsin
Contact: Chaz and Meghan Self - grasswayorganics@gmail.com, 715-441-0362, www.grasswayorganics.com

How to Buy: On-farm sales through a Co-op membership. Allowing access on farm pick up or delivery options. All information can be found at www.grasswayorganics.com.

Profile: Grassway Organics is a certified organic grass-only dairy farm located in East Troy, WI. Sunshine, fresh air, exercise and nutrient-dense soils are the basis for our happy, A2A2, Jersey milking herd. Chaz and Megan Self own and operate Grassway Organics. They had a clean slate when entering the farming world being first generation farmers. There is no "that’s how Grandpa did it" pressure which allows the Selfs to focus on practices that make sense for the health of the cows and the product they produce.

Cow health starts with nutrition and nurturing at birth. Calves are raised on a nurse cow system where they are nurtured by a caring mother. During grazing months the dairy herd is rotated on 210 acres of pasture four times a day. This allows for a natural grazing pattern reducing the footprint and providing a perfectly balanced buffet of nutrition for the cows.

This translates into the healthy food that nourishes you. Food is health, food can be medicine.

Guiding Documents:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
November 2024 859 2.5
October 2024 573 2.3

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Jewel Hill Farms

RAWMI AD Picture.jpg

Listing Status: Active since 2019

Location: Marshall, North Carolina
Contact: Ernest & Kimberly Ramsey - Jewelhillfarms@yahoo.com, 828-380-9507,  https://www.facebook.com/JewelHillFarms/
How to Buy: Herd-Shares and Pet Milk; on-farm pick-up

Profile: ​Jewel Hill Farms is a grass-fed, earth and cow friendly, raw milk micro dairy. The farm is situated on 40 acres of beautiful, natural grass pastures which the cows graze on year round. Our 4 beautiful cows are registered a2/a2 Jerseys. Jewel Hill Farms Micro-Dairy is owned and operated by Ernest & Kimberly Ramsey and their 4 children and 3 grandchildren. The farm has been continuously owned and farmed by the family for 5 generations and close to 100 years; in fact, our Uncle is the oldest living dairy farmer in the state of NC at 95 and still going strong who attributes his health to drinking Raw Milk his whole life. 

Jewel Hill Farms is dedicated to safe raw milk. The Family Cow & the Shank family, pioneers with an on-farm raw milk laboratory, mentored us with development of one for Jewel Hill Farms. The laboratory gives Jewel Hill Farms the unique ability to establish a test-and-hold protocol for every single lot of raw milk. This assures that each bottling of raw milk falls within the coliform and SPC standards for raw milk as established by the Raw Milk Institute. 

We believe as Weston A Price Foundation believes:

  • Real Milk Comes From Real Cows

  • Real Milk Comes From Real Cows That Eat Grass

  • Real Milk Is Not Pasteurized

  • Real Milk Is Not Homogenized

  • Real Milk Contains Butterfat and Lots Of It

  • Real Milk Products Contain No Additives

  • Real Milk Can Save Family Farms

  • Real Milk Is Nature’s Perfect Food

We are real farmers who raise cows with names, not numbers; who care how our food is made, how our cows are treated, and most of all we care about your family’s well-being .

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
September 2024 1,800 3
August 2024 500 2
July 2024 400 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Jorasz Family Ranch

Emily with Cows.jpg

Listing Status: Active since 2021

Location: Bark River, Michigan
Contact: Teri Jorasz, 906-723-3135, joraszfamilyranch@gmail.com
How to Buy: Jorasz Family Ranch does not sell milk to the public. Milk produced from the privately-owned herd is available exclusively to herd share owners. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a member, please visit www.joraszfamilyranch.com

Profile: Jorasz Family Ranch is located on 40 rolling acres in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula.  Andy & Teri Jorasz purchased the property in 2005 and have four children- Faith, Emily, Brianna and Nathan.  Together they have been growing and improving their Red Angus beef and Hereford Pork herds ever since.  Andy is a fifth generation dairy farmer and is still an active participant at his family’s dairy just a few miles away.

In the winter of 2020, Teri resigned her formal employment in sales to focus full-time on the farm & her family.   One of her goals became to start a herd share program and she began researching the possibilities.  She decided on the Brown Swiss breed for their docile nature, longevity, and beauty.  In June 2020, the first two cows arrived at the farm- Kookie and Kaloha, followed by Koko, Karmel, Klara Bell, Kandy, Kupcake & Karla.  They are all tested A2A2 and live a life of leisure, being rotationally grazed on thirteen acres of lush pasture.  At milking time they receive a ration of non-gmo grains, and have free-choice hay available 24x7.  All the feed that the cattle receive has been grown by the Jorasz Family, so they know exactly what the cows are consuming.  Andy’s knowledge of dairy livestock, herd health, nutrition, milking equipment, and processes have helped immensely as their herd share program has developed.

We are passionate about producing clean, safe raw milk to provide to our remote local community.  We are members of the Weston A. Price Foundation and the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. 

Our membership is currently full, but openings and instructions to join will be shared on social media (Facebook & Instagram). Follow those pages if interested!

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 150 0
January 2025 200 0
December 2024 1,600 0

LanaRosa Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: Leicester, New York
Contact: Lana Scofield, please contact via cell or text at 585-509-4228, https://www.facebook.com/TheLanaRosa/
How to Buy: NYS Ag and Markets permitted for “on farm sales only”

Profile: LanaRosa is a 100-acre farm located in New York, operated by Lana and Wayne Scofield. They both came into farming with a seed of passion.

Lana had health issues and wanted to try raw milk to help with healing. Raw milk was difficult to find and only available an hour away. Nonetheless, after seven days on raw milk, she was already feeling better physically and mentally and her digestion had improved.

Welcoming all the changes and improved health, Lana and Wayne decided to buy a Jersey cow who ended up having a registered name of “Heaven Sent Little Dipper.” She really was heaven sent and a sign from God that they were doing the right thing.

Wayne had always wanted to be a dairy farmer, but his father discouraged him. Many years later Wayne was more than willing to take on a few cows and have his dreams come true to become a dairy farmer. All it took was one milk cow their pasture to trigger something so large: their community was searching for raw milk, with people willing to drive from far away in order to obtain it!

Lana and Wayne decided to take the step of becoming permitted by the New York Department of Ag and Markets in 2022 and just celebrated their first year in August 2023.  They are happy to share delicious Jersey milk with their community. They are a boutique dairy which only allows them to serve a limited number of consumers. 

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 59 0
January 2025 58 0
December 2024 40 0

Lomah Texas

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: DFW Area, Texas
Contact: Jennifer Daniels, CFO (Chief Farming Officer) 817-757-2937, lomahtexas@gmail.com, www.lomahtexas.com
How to Buy: Visit www.lomahtexas.com. We are a licensed Grade A Raw for Retail GOAT dairy with weekly deliveries and markets in the DFW metroplex.

Profile: It all started so innocently; our oldest daughter wanted a goat. We broke down and agreed to "a" goat, but instantly "a" goat became "two" goats (she needed a friend). Those two Nubian dairy goats, Abby Lou and Emmy Sue, started our herd, which has produced hundreds of multi-generational offspring.

As the number of goats grew, so did our goat milk creations. We started with goat milk bath and body products in 2010. Proceeds from this venture paved the way for the pasteurizer purchase which enabled us to sell yogurt, cheese, cajeta and other goodies made from our farmstead goat milk. Finally, a law passed in 2021 enabled raw milk sales off the farm, as long as it is still purchased directly from the farm. This created a realistic opportunity to sell and deliver raw goat milk and yogurt, and with that, “Lomah Texas” came to be what it is today. 

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 240 0
January 2025 300 0
November 2024 104 0

Milk Creek Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2024

Location: Huron, Tennessee
Contact: Julie Blankenship, call or text 731-614-6210, julieblankenship81@yahoo.com, https://www.facebook.com/milk.creek.dairy
How to Buy: Herd shares with weekly pickup or pet milk (call for availability)

Profile: My name is Julie Blankenship and I am a 3rd generation dairy farmer. Milk Creek Dairy is located in beautiful West Tennessee. We have a small herd of Registered A2/A2 Jersey cows. I have a passion for the dairy industry and providing fresh, raw milk to the public. With my dairy I hope to be able to promote the health benefits of raw milk. I love hearing stories of how raw milk as healed peoples gut and skin problems. It truly is a wonder food. 

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
March 2025 100 0
February 2025 133 1
January 2025 225 1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Milk House Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2022

Location: Corunna, Michigan
Contact: Maggie Kirkman, call or text (970)366-2721, website: www.milkhousefarm.com, email: maggie@milkhousefarm.com
How to Buy: Join the herd! Fresh raw milk is produced for herd share owners for on-farm pickup.

Profile: Hi, I’m Maggie! I’m city girl turned farmer after hatching chicken eggs with my kids for a home school project. Come to find out our HOA didn’t allow chickens, so we moved to the country. The farm fresh eggs were so good, so we decided to raise pigs, pastured poultry, beef, and finally a milk cow. I saw the health of our family improve with every real food change we made. So when we moved to my husband's vacant family farm in Michigan, the animals had to come too. We are committed to providing safe, ethical, and nutrient dense foods for our family and yours!

After years of milking for just our family, I am pleased to open up herd shares to my community. I have the pleasure of milking four beautiful A2/A2 Jersey/ Guernsey mama cows. These ladies live their best life as they are rotationally grazed through our pastures and enjoy hay from our farm during the colder months. Millie, Mary, Maple, and Sukey would love to share their milk with you! Herd share members also receive "first dibs" on all additional food raised on the farm including, beef, pork, lamb, and poultry.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
March 2025 100 0
February 2025 400 0
January 2025 200 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Mini Mosaic Acre

Listing Status: Active since 2025

Location: Koshkonong, Missouri
Contact: Becky Bradley, email: minimosaicacre@gmail.com, text: 417-293-0223, message through website: www.minimosaicacre.com
How to Buy: On farm sales, pick up at fulfillment centers after ordering from our website online.

Profile: The description of our little farm is wrapped up in our name, Mini Mosaic Acre.

  • MINI- We raise and milk outstanding Miniature Jersey Cows and are committed to improving the genetics for this incredible little breed.  

  • MOSAIC- We are a family composed of many broken pieces who were placed together through adoption, creating the beautiful picture of our lives within our family and our community. 

  • ACRE- Years and years ago, when our farm began, we struck forward towards our dream with less than two acres of land.  

 We have grown to 27 acres and care for our animals through rotational grazing. We raise registered Jersey and Mini Jersey cows, Kune Kune pigs, and a plethora of poultry! We also have a little pony named D'Artagnan and well... who knows what else might be found around here...we can't help ourselves...we love animals, we love people!

Our passion for real food stems out of necessity. Several of our adopted children were born with disabilities or had significant health problems. We grew to truly understand the importance of quality raw dairy when we adopted a “failure to thrive” infant, who was severely malnourished and could not keep formula down. We switched him to the raw milk formula recipe from the Nourishing Traditions cook book and watched him flourish. He quickly started healing and to the disbelief of his doctors, began advancing at an astonishing rate. He is now a teenager and is stronger than me, his mom, brilliant, and rarely gets sick. Further, out of all 14 kids, we never have had a childhood broken bone, and all of the children we have raised from a young age have gorgeous bright white smiles and glowing skin. So, yes…we believe in the power of raw milk and we love to share it with others.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 4,000 1
October 2024 <2,300 <2
September 2024 4,000 1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Mountain Heritage Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2025

Location: Woodbury, Tennessee
Contact: Michelle Parsley, michelle@mountainheritagefarm.com or on our website at mountainheritagefarm.com
How to Buy: Per Tennessee state law, all milk sales are via herd share contract

Profile: Established in 1995, Mountain Heritage farm is a micro dairy serving the eastern Middle-Tennessee area.  Their herd of registered Irish Dexter cattle are raised in a holistic environment, grazing over 30 acres of pastures year round.  This dual purpose breed provides the richest, creamiest milk you’ve ever tasted from heritage breed cows that average only 700 pounds.  While the ladies are “mostly grass fed” they do provide each cow with a treat during milking that supports their milk production and body condition.  As much as possible, they choose non-GMO and organic feeds for the milkers.  Raw milk safety is of utmost importance which is why the milk from their herd is routinely tested in their on farm lab to ensure consistently low bacteria counts.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
March 2025 180 0
February 2025 445 0
January 2025 <5 0

My Sisters' Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2014

Location: Shingle Springs, California
Contact: Pattie Chelseth: pattie@mysistersfarm.com, www.mysistersfarm.com
How to Buy: My Sisters’ Farm does not sell milk to the public. Milk produced from the privately-owned herd is available exclusively to herd co-owners. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a co-owner, please visit mysistersfarm.com.

Profile: My Sisters’ Farm is located on a beautiful 10-acre parcel of land in the foothills east of Sacramento. In addition to cows, they raise Icelandic sheep, Royal Palm turkeys, and Brahma and Buff chickens for eggs.

They work with bio-dynamic composting methods and strive for a farm where the animals are truly honored for their service and are given an organic and natural style of life.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
October 2024 320 <1
September 2024 1,237 <1
May 2024 915 0.5

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Ontario Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2017

Location: Ontario, Canada
Contact: Due to the Canadian legal situation with raw milk, this dairy chooses to be unnamed on the RAWMI website.
How to Buy: This dairy does not sell milk to the public. Milk is produced from the privately owned herd and is available exclusively to herd co-owners. Herd co-owners pay a monthly boarding fee.

Profile: This 30 acre dairy milks 4 -7 Jersey cows. The cows are pastured from early May through late October. The pasture is supplemented with hay during the dry times of the season, and hay is fed through the winter months. Almost no grain is fed year round. No herbicides or commercial fertilizers are used on the land.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 616 <1
January 2025 790 0
December 2024 1,315 1

*Some SPC data are converted from Bactoscan data using a Canadian equivalence of 0.41 for cow’s milk.

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Our Ground Up

Listing Status: Active since 2014

Location: Wilton, California
Contact: Susan Muñoz , susan@ourgroundup.com,  (916) 425-9204,  www.ourgroundup.com
How to Buy: Our Ground Up does not sell milk to the public. Milk is produced from the privately owned herd and is available exclusively to herd co-owners. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a co-owner, please visit their website.

Profile: Susan Muñoz is the owner and operator of Our Ground Up Farm. In 2007 Susan was looking for cow manure to compost to feed worms and harvest vermi compost. She soon discovered that a healthy organic cow was not easy to find and opted instead for a year-long class in biodynamic farming. Little did she know that cow manure would once again reemerge as a force in her life! In 2009 her family was blessed with twins, and once Susan began feeding her grandchildren Sally Fallon’s raw milk formula published in Nourishing Traditions, she knew she needed the whole cow. Susan was involved in 4H during high school and raised Angus steers to go to County Fair. The ability to handle large animals catapulted her into the politics of raw milk production.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 628 <1
January 2025 693 <1
December 2024 1,223 <1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Raising Arrows Creamery

Listing Status: Active since 2025

Location: Bridgeport, Nebraska
Contact: Lacey Yates, 308-770-0111, website: https://raising-arrows-creamery.square.site/, Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/15r584FhP6/?mibextid=wwXIfr
How to Buy: On-farm sales only as per Nebraska Raw Milk Laws

Profile: Raising Arrows is a family run micro dairy, and all four of my kids enjoy helping where and however they can. I’m committed to producing clean and safe raw goat milk, raw cow milk, fermented dairy products, and raw milk cheeses.

We believe in stewarding the animals to the best of our abilities, treating them with dignity and respect, while benefiting from the abundant milk they supply us. We strive to raise our goats and cows as close to natural as possible, so we let the cows and goats raise their own babies.  

The seeds for Raising Arrows began in 2011, when our oldest child was diagnosed with a severe cows’ milk protein intolerance. We switched our daughter from formula to raw goat milk at a very young age and we experienced an immediate, overnight change in her demeanor. Our very young infant went from screaming and being uncomfortable all the time, to sleeping and being a happy baby. Goat milk was the answer we had been looking for, so we bought a goat for her needs… and then some more goats.

What began as a necessity for our daughter has grown into my passion for providing clean and nutritious raw goat milk to other parents that are experiencing the same thing.  I have since added jersey cows to my milking lineup. We enjoy the abundant creamy milk they give, and I have been able to make different cheeses and fermented dairy products available in the creamery. I love being able to offer both raw goat and cow milk and milk products to my customers.  

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Goat Milk

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 350 2.5
January 2025 300 2
November 2024 620 4

Cow Milk

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 800 2
November 2024 500 6
October 2024 205 <4

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Raspberry Lane Ranch

Listing Status: Active since 2025

Location: Kuna, Idaho
Contact: Wendy and Scott Heiss 208-949-5899 or wendy@raspberrylaneranch.com 
How to Buy: You can get our milk on farm, at drop locations throughout the Treasure Valley or select retailers.  Check out: https://raspberrylaneranch.com/where-to-buy/ 

Profile: At Raspberry Lane Ranch, we believe that happiness just tastes better. Our journey started with a simple goal: to provide our family with the most natural, high-quality food possible. That passion grew into a thriving raw dairy farm, where we share the same nutritious, pasture-raised products with our community.

Our cows enjoy fresh pasture, quality hay, and carefully selected supplemental feed to ensure their health and well-being year-round. We prioritize sustainable farming practices, transparency, and a deep respect for nature, ensuring our milk is as pure and wholesome as possible.

Whether you pick up from our farm or one of our drop locations, you’re not just buying milk; you’re joining a community that values tradition, quality, and a little happiness in every glass.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
December 2024 490 0
November 2024 500 <1

Raw Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2012

Location: Fresno, California
Contact: Aaron McAfee:  aaron.m@rawfarmusa.com, 1-833-888-6455 (toll free) or 559-710-2077, www.rawfarmusa.com
How to Buy: stores throughout CA; farmers markets; on-farm store. Truly Raw Cheese available throughout USA: www.rawfarmusa.com

Profile: Raw Farm is the visionary result of five generations of innovative farming and pioneering dairy endeavors of the McAfee family. Since the 1950’s, McAfee Farms has been a leading advocate for nature-friendly farm practices.  In 1988, the farms began their transition to organic, and by 1998, Organic Pastures had become California’s first certified organic raw milk dairy and creamery.  Today, the dairy markets its Non-GMO Project Verified dairy products under the brand and business name of RAW FARM.  RAW FARM dairy and creamery operations are located in Fresno, California in the heart of the fertile San Joaquin Valley.  RAW FARM prides itself on its innovative and robust delivery system, delivering fresh raw milk to over 400 retail stores state-wide.

The constant push for the highest food quality and food safety is at the very heart of RAW FARM.  RAW FARM has a diverse team that works continuously on their RAMP plan and Food Safety Plan to ensure compliance and excellence.  In addition to internal audits and management, RAW FARM is third party audited by NSF.  RAW FARM is proud to be fully approved by the FDA to sell TRULY raw cheddar cheese and raw pet food products nationwide in over 1,300 grocery stores.  It is the mission and passion of RAW FARM to provide the best quality raw milk in California and serve its thousands of healthy customers.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 450 8
January 2025 580 1
December 2024 370 2

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


S & D Smith Dairy

Family Picture.jpg

Listing Status: Active since 2019

Location: Yorkshire, Ohio
Contact: Scott & Debra Smith, debscott3@frontier.com, 937-564-0872, 419-336-6279, https://www.facebook.com/SD-Smith-Dairy-727612770751799/
How to Buy: Herd Share via the EAT Food For Life farm store

Profile: S & D Smith Dairy is a Ohio Department of Agriculture Grade A OEFFA Certified Organic Dairy located approximately 1 hour NW of Dayton, Ohio. Scott & Debra operate the dairy with their two sons, Paul and Dean.

We have been providing awesome raw dairy products since 2009. Raw dairy products -- milk, yogurt, cream and butter -- are marketed through Debra's brother's farm store next door, EAT Food For Life Farm. Our dairy also produces Low-Heat Pasteurized white and flavored milk, and have a Raw Milk Cheese product line. Both the pasteurized milk and cheese are sold through several local stores.

Our farm consists of 144 acres of certified organic land. The feed hay is produced on our farm. We milk 24 cows twice daily. The cows are rotationally grazed at least 6 - 7 months of the year and receive a small amount of soy-free organic grain during milking.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 6,800 0
January 2025 5,180 0
December 2024 5,600 0.29

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Seven Seasons Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2022

Location: Oxford, North Carolina
Contact: Christina Wilkins - cwilkins@sevenseasonsfarm.com, 919-389-2290, www.sevenseasonsfarm.com

How to Buy: Direct Farm Sales Only. Herdshares and “Pet Milk” available. Contact the farm for more details.

Profile: Seven Seasons Farm was started in 2018 after Chad and Chrissy Wilkins, husband and wife team and parents to 7 children, sold their suburban home and moved to the family farm, into Chad’s childhood home.  Their heart for homesteading began with a desire to eliminate processed food from their home, and to reduce their reliance on industrial ag.  They were introduced to raw milk early in this journey, and dreamed of one day owning their own family milk cow.

After moving to the farm, they began preparing for dairy goats when a wonderful dairy cow was offered to them for a song.  Thus began their milking journey.  They were as green as green could be, and there were lots of bumps along their journey of learning how to produce high quality raw milk.  Folks that had been in milk groups with them over the years began purchasing the milk, and the feedback was outstanding, and in line with what the Wilkins’ were experiencing - that the milk they were producing was the best they had ever had.  Continued research landed them on the Raw Milk Institute website.  Chad read and thought it would be outstanding to be a RAWMI listed farm.  But the farm facilities were modest, at best, and he didn’t think they’d stand a chance of having the superior test results required to be a listed farm.

Over the last 5 years, they have continued to improve their equipment, barn, herd, and milk quality.  And in 2022, they became only the third farm in North Carolina to be RAWMI listed.

They are passionate about the products they produce, and they love the animals on the farm, regardless of their intended final destination.  From the pets, to the livestock that produce milk or meat, they strive to provide the highest level of care and nutrition to those animals with the core belief that a well cared for animal will provide a superiorly nutritious product.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 1,750 2.5
January 2025 800 3
October 2024 775 1.5

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Shady Paddock Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: Paige, Texas; just east of Austin
Contact: Tammy Gallagher, shadypaddock@gmail.com, 361-443-4646, www.shadypaddockfarm.com

How to Buy: Shady Paddock Farm provides herdshare members with fresh raw milk, available for pickup weekly on our farm. Please contact us to learn more about becoming a herdshare member.  Raw Pet Milk is also available.

Profile: Our 'city slicker to farmer' journey began in 2017 with 3 baby Nigerian Dwarf goats and a desire to eventually produce healthy raw milk and cheese for our family! We instantly fell in love with these tiniest of dairy goats and quickly outgrew our pasture space, which landed Shady Paddock Farm on 13 beautiful acres in Central Texas.

Today we are excited to share the delicious and creamy milk provided by our girls with our community. We also enjoy educating and mentoring fellow farmers and homesteaders.

In addition to our ever-growing goat herd, we also raise chickens, turkeys, and honeybees. We believe that the very best food products come from healthy, happy, and stress-free animals. With this in mind, our animals are raised with a compassionate care philosophy. From the bees that share their honey, to the birds that provide meat, and the goats that provide our dairy products - everyone lives the best life we can offer!

We are proud to be the first RAWMI listed dairy in the great state of Texas and look forward to getting other Texans on board!.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 195 0
January 2025 47 0
November 2024 690 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Six S Dairy

six s dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2020

Location: Sand Lake, Michigan
Contact: Jenny Skelonc - Jenny@sixsdairy.com, 616-813-6977, www.sixsdairy.com

How to Buy: Six S Dairy sells shares of their dairy herd and provides shareowners with fresh raw milk from their own cows.  For more information on their herdshare program, please contact Jenny at one of the methods listed above.

Profile: Six S Dairy is owned and operated by Brent and Jenny Skelonc and their four children. Several years ago, after their youngest daughter was born with a rare genetic syndrome they realized their desire to “get back to their roots” and raise their children in the enriching atmosphere a farm provides.  

They believe that happy, well cared for animals raised on pasture, fresh air, and sunshine create the healthiest food.  That’s why their farm revolves around those practices.  They are honored to provide their community with Grass-Fed Raw Milk & Beef, Pastured Pork & Chicken, and Free Range Eggs.

Raw milk safety is of utmost importance to Six S Dairy which is why the milk from their 100% grass-fed herd is tested daily on the farm to ensure extremely low bacteria counts.  They believe in healing the land and their animals naturally and use organic practices whenever possible.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 207 0
January 2025 193.5 0.03
December 2024 145 0.03

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month. The data above are for milk that was approved for human consumption in the farm's Test-and-Hold program.


The Barefoot Cow

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Listing Status: Active since 2021

Location: Dunn, North Carolina
Contact: Kelsey Barefoot - thebarefootcow@gmail.com, 919-710-9445,  https://thebarefootcow.com/
How to Buy: Herd Shares and Pet Milk; on-farm pick-up

Profile: The Barefoot Cow Farm is a grass-fed, raw milk micro dairy located in Eastern North Carolina. Their small herd of registered A2/A2 Jersey cows happily graze on 30 rotational acres of natural grass pastures year-round. The Barefoot Cow Micro-Dairy is owned and operated by Kelsey and Brian Barefoot, with a little help from their 3 young children.   

The Barefoot Cow Farm is an extension of the generational family farm, the RAWMI Listed, Jewel Hill Farms, where Kelsey helped her parents on the farm and most recently mentored to carry on the family’s dedication to safe, raw milk. With an on-farm raw milk laboratory, granted to The Barefoot Cow by The Raw Milk Institute, The Barefoot Cow Farm has the unique ability to establish a test-and-hold protocol for every single lot of raw milk. This assures that each bottling of raw milk falls within the coliform and SPC standards for raw milk as established by the Raw Milk Institute. The Barefoot Cow Farm offers raw milk through their dairy herd-share program.  

Kelsey graduated from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree in 2013.  She worked at a level one trauma center as a Critical Care Nurse for 8 years.  Taking a leap of faith, Kelsey quit her nursing job to pursue her passion for a healthier life for herself, her family, and her community.  Kelsey Barefoot is an administrative assistant at the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI). She is the first contact for farmers on behalf of RAWMI and handles monthly data submissions from RAWMI LISTED farms.  Kelsey is an advocate for raw milk and enjoys educating consumers and farmers on safe raw milk handling and consumption. 

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
March 2025 dry period dry period
February 2025 dry period dry period
January 2025 dry period dry period

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


The Family Cow

Listing Status: Active since 2013

Location: Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Contact: Edwin Shank - answers@thefamilycow.com, 717-491-4004,  www.yourfamilyfarmer.com
How to Buy: online ordering for drop points throughout Pennsylvania; on-farm store

Profile: The Family Cow is a grass based, PA Department of Agriculture (PDA) permitted, raw milk dairy. The farm is situated on 122 acres of certified organic pastures that are rotationally grazed 8 months out of the year. An additional 180 acres of organic land is farmed to grow the organic grasses needed to grass-feed the cows during the winter. The 110 milk cows are Jerseys and a few Jersey cross breeds. The Family Cow dairy is owned and operated by Edwin and Dawn Shank and their 6 children. The farm has been continuously owned and farmed by the family for 5 generations and close to 100 years.

The Family Cow is dedicated to extremely safe raw milk. A web-based monitoring system, ProAct, is used to assure that all critical points of the food safety RAMP are under control.  The Family Cow may be the only raw milk dairy in the USA with this level of control to monitor, record and alert for food safety issues.

The Shank family also pioneers with an on-farm raw milk laboratory. The laboratory gives The Family Cow the unique ability to establish a test-and-hold protocol for every single lot of  raw milk. This assures that each bottling of The Family Cow raw milk falls within the coliform  and APC standards for low risk foods as defined by USA food safety experts.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month.

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 511 1.7
January 2025 567 1.89
December 2024 4,420 2.01

The Lucky Star Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: Iowa City, Iowa
Contact: Susan Young - 319-683-4042, email: susan@theluckystarfarm.com, website: http://www.theluckystarfarm.com/
How to Buy: Contact Susan for local delivery or on-farm pick up

Profile: Susan, her husband Rich, and their four children started Lucky Star Farm, a diverse 20-acre homestead, in 2011. They purchased their first Nigerian dwarf goats soon after and Susan began her milking journey. She appreciates the delicious sweet milk, high in protein and butterfat and the wonderful chèvre, yogurt and ice cream it creates. The goats are machine milked once a day and milk is tested weekly in the on-farm lab to ensure all milk is up to RAWMI standards. 

Susan is committed to producing the highest quality raw milk possible for her community and dedicated to sharing local food, education and farm experiences with others.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
October 2024 1,364 8.6
September 2024 3,100 3
August 2024 5,700 1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month.


Towering Oaks Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2024

Location: Graham, North Carolina
Contact: Dave Richardson (336) 684-9502 or toweringoaksdorpers@gmail.com, https://toweringoaksfarm.com/
How to Buy: Herd Share and on farm sales of Pet Milk

Profile: Towering Oaks Farm is a small family farm in Central North Carolina. We are committed to raising all of our animals in a healthy, happy environment, as we believe this makes a definite impact on the quality of the food products they produce for us.  

In 2023, we began producing raw milk for our family, Herd Share members, and Pet Milk Customers. Thanks to a grant from RAWMI, we were able to purchase the equipment for an on farm lab, and can now test our own milk more frequently than if we had to transport it to an off site lab. 

We are committed to providing our community with safe, clean, delicious, raw milk and hope that all of our customers enjoy it as much as we do!

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 110 0
January 2025 100 0
December 2024 90 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month.


Westerlook Farm

Listing Status: Active since 2025

Location: Carlton, Oregon
Contact: Darci Haney - email: info@mdhaneyco.com web: http://www.westerlookfarm.com call/text: 503-437-1239
How to Buy: Direct farm sales, herd share agreement, available for pick up from the farm

Profile: Westerlook Farm, built in 1911, sits on the edge of town and is owned and operated by Matt and Darci Haney.  They have a small grass fed Jersey milk cow herd, and offer raw milk through herd shares. Matt and Darci purchased Westerlook Farm in late 2018.  They purchased their first A2A2 Jersey cow in 2020, and over the last five years they have continued to improve their equipment, barn, herd and milk quality.  They started their raw milk herd share in 2024.  

Along with their two young daughters, the Haneys are passionate about country living and producing wholesome, and delicious raw milk for their family and their community.  They strive to provide the best care and nutrition for their animals, with the belief, and evidence, that a well cared for animal will be healthier and provide a superiorly nutritious product.  In addition to raw milk, they also produce grass fed beef, and sell mini Hereford and mini Jersey breeding stock.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 dry period dry period
November 2024 600 0
October 2024 not tested 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month.


Whispering Willows Farm and Dairy

Listing Status: Active since 2023

Location: Thompson’s Station, Tennessee
Contact: Jennifer Wilson - info@wwfarmanddairy.com, 615-730-0324, wwfarmanddairy.com
How to Buy: Whispering Willows Farm and Dairy does not sell dairy products to the public. Milk is available exclusively to herd share members. 

Profile: Whispering Willows Farm and Dairy was established in 2017, in beautiful Thompson’s Station, Tennessee. We originally started our farm showing and producing rabbits, but have grown tremendously since then. Now, we are a family owned and operated cow and goat producing farmstead. Our focus today is providing Middle Tennessee with fresh, nutritious raw dairy products, educating consumers and spreading the importance of supporting local farmers.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 565 1.2
January 2025 411 1.65
December 2024 444 0.6

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month.


Wildflower Raw Milk

Listing Status: Active since 2022

Location: Avon, Montana with deliveries to Helena
Contact: Bobbi McIntosh- Bobbi.mcintosh@gmail.com, 406-670-1428 wildflowerrawmilk.com 
How to Buy: Contact Bobbi to set up your weekly milk service.

Profile: Bobbi McIntosh was a nurse in the Air Force when she started studying nutrition and preventative medicine. Her love for nutrition and animals led her to start a micro dairy in Avon, Mt so she can share the health benefits of fresh raw milk with her family and community. She uses on farm testing and follows the Raw Milk Institutes guidelines to ensure quality milk.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
February 2025 70 0
January 2025 100 5
November 2024 185 0

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points submitted per month.


Wilson Ranch

Listing Status: Active since 2021

Location: Heber Springs, Arkansas
Contact: Wilson Ranch - info@wilsonranch.net, (501)-206-4261, (501)-206-2222, https://wilsonranch.net/
How to Buy: Wilson Ranch A2/A2 raw milk is available for on-farm pick up

Profile: Wilson Ranch Dairy is a family-owned and operated dairy located in the beautiful foothills of the Ozark’s. The Wilson’s started their dairy in 2005 with milking Red Devons. Their oldest son Aaron had always wanted to milk cows. After babysitting a friend’s Jersey cow, the family took the plunge and purchased their own Jerseys to milk. The Wilson family consists of Rob and Nan Wilson and their six children; Aaron, Rachel, Stephen, Luke, Joanna, and John. Aaron later went on to Veterinarian school and became a Vet. He has been a tremendous asset to the Ranch.

Wilson Ranch has grown from the initial 123 acres and two Jersey cows to 429 acres and 25 A2/A2 Jerseys, Native Angus beef cattle and Katahdin hair sheep. Rob is a local dentist in Heber Springs and has an in-clinic laboratory, with a certified medical technologist running it,  in which he has the opportunity to be able to test every single batch of milk for Standard Plate Count, Coliform, and E. Coli 0157-h7 levels, as well as other more specialized tests when needed. We have a test-and-hold system for our milk before sale so that every drop of milk sold is well within the RAWMI standards.

Guiding Documents:

Recent Test Data:

Date Standard Plate Count (cfu/ml) Coliforms (cfu/ml)
January 2025 117 <1
December 2024 203 <1
November 2024 21 <1

*These data reflect averages of multiple data points per month. The data above are for milk that was approved for human consumption in the farm's Test-and-Hold program.

List of Inactive RAWMI-Listed Farmers


Bees Knees Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: West Point, Virginia
Contact: Sarah Williams - info@beeskneesfarmkw.com, https://beeskneesfarmkw.wixsite.com/home/herdshares
How to Buy: Bees Knees Farm provides herdshare owners with fresh raw goat milk with on-farm pickup and delivery to Williamsburg and Richmond. We do not sell raw milk to the public.

Profile: Dennis & Sarah Williams own and operate Bees Knees Farm, a diversified farm using regenerative practices. We believe in restoring the land to its native history of an abundant silvopasture, using cover crops and intensive rotational grazing to feed the animals and the soil without herbicides or commercial petroleum-based fertilizers. The goats are moved daily to new pasture during the growing season and supplemented with non-GMO and soy-free grains and spray-free alfalfa to support their milk production. We are passionate about producing the cleanest raw milk possible - goat milk does not have to taste goaty!


Champoeg Creamery

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: St. Paul, Oregon
Contact: Charlotte Smith, champoegcreamery@gmail.com , 503-860-6286, www.champoegcreamery.com
How to Buy: Direct farm sales only; contact Charlotte for details

Profile: On five acres outside of St. Paul, Oregon, Charlotte Smith operates Champoeg Creamery, a small, raw milk dairy. The Jersey cows—chosen for their small size, mild temper, and for the rich, creamy milk they produce—stand knee deep in green pasture nine months of the year, and are moved daily to a fresh paddock. Charlotte is passionate about her calling. Her children suffered from eczema and numerous colds and ear infections before they started drinking raw milk. Since then, the whole family has been in excellent health. After losing her source for raw milk several years ago, Charlotte decided to research and begin her own pasture based dairy.  The intense rotational grazing system she practices insures that she is producing the highest quality raw milk.


Copeland Family Farms

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Grenada, California
Contact: Dusty Copeland - dusty@goatmeats.comwww.myfarmandfood.com, (530) 598-2358
How to Buy: Milk is produced from the privately owned herd and is available exclusively to herdshare members. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a co-owner, please visit their website.

Profile: The Copeland family has been ranching in Siskiyou County, CA since the 1870’s and Bob and Dusty Copeland have been milking cows for their family use for over 35 years. When they retired their goat meat business and were asked by families in the local community to share their milk, they looked into it and decided to use their farm to give back to the community. They began a Farm Share in 2006, with families coming to the farm to milk the cow and raise meat and eggs for their private use. This group of individuals decided to start a non-profit organization that worked together to build the micro dairy and milk the cows. Working with Raw Milk Institute standards, they have created a healthy raw milk product. They also teach classes on how to make cheese, butter, and kefir, and have offered their acreage to members who want to begin their own projects.


Dancing Feathers Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Bloomingdale, Michigan
Contact: Jen Buck - info@dancingfeathersfarm.com and https://dancingfeathersfarm.com/dairy-goat-herd-shares/
How to Buy: Dancing Feathers Farm offers seasonal raw milk dairy goat herd shares with on-farm pickup and delivery options. Our farm does not sell milk to the public; a signed herd share legal contract is required to participate in our herd share program and receive raw milk.

Profile: Dancing Feathers Farm is a 14-acre, first-generation regenerative farm in Southwest Michigan. We are passionate about responsible animal husbandry, sustainable growing practices, and agricultural transparency.

Jen (Owner and Dream Maker) is a copywriter, herbalist, Army veteran, and retired birth doula-turned-goat doula who places immense value on standardized processes and providing the healthiest, happiest lives possible for her family, animals, and community. Jordan (Lead Carpenter and Voice of Reason) is a union carpenter and the creative genius behind every forward-thinking, eco-friendly improvement on the farm. Together with their two children, the Bucks adhere to strict, earth-and-animal friendly processes and exceptionally respectful, holistic animal husbandry standards so Dancing Feathers Farm can provide the highest quality raw goat milk to herd share members throughout Southwest Michigan.

Dancing Feathers Farm is a member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, Homesteaders of Michigan social network, Floret Farmer Florist Collective, and is a recipient of the 2022 FVC Grant Award.


Flowered Cow Dairy

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Penfield, Illinois
Contact: Elizabeth Hesterberg at sisterhesterberg@gmail.com or 217-377-7723; website: http://www.floweredcowdairy.com/
How to Buy: Pet Milk Subscriptions and Direct Pet Milk Sales at Sonrise Farms Store

Profile: Flowered Cow Dairy LLC is owned and operated by Elizabeth Hesterberg on her family’s farm. Elizabeth is very passionate about providing healthy, clean, low-risk raw milk for her community and bridging the gap between farm and consumer. Coliform and Standard Plate Count tests are run twice per week in the on-farm lab to ensure milk quality and safety.

Each of the Jersey cows in the milking herd at Flowered Cow Dairy is given a floral name to reflect the beauty, femininity, and individual personality of the cow. The small herd is rotationally grazed on pasture throughout the growing season and supplemented with a small ration of non-GMO grain at milking time.

Flowered Cow Dairy supplies pasture-raised eggs and pastured poultry for the family’s on-farm store where the customers pick up their milk subscriptions or purchase pet milk directly. The store also features grass-finished beef raised on the farm and other local products. 


Free Hand Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Placerville, California
Contact: Spencer & Melissa Tregilgas - freehandfarm@gmail.com, 530-295-9458, www.freehandfarm.com
How to Buy: Free Hand Farm does not sell milk. Milk from the farm is available to the co-owners of the cows through a herdshare program. For more information about the herdshare please contact Spencer or Melissa Tregilgas. please visit our website.

Profile: Free Hand Farm is run by Spencer and Melissa Tregilgas and their 4 daughters, on 95 acres of California foothill pasture. The small herd of Jerseys and Jersey cross cows is owned by members of the herdshare and kept on pasture year round, supplemented seasonally with hay and a small amount of non-gmo grain. Using careful management of the land and the animals grazing it, Free Hand Farm works to grow healthy soil, healthy animals, and delicious, richly satisfying food.

Along with raw pastured Jersey milk for members of the herdshare, Free Hand Farm also provides pastured eggs, grassfed lamb, grassfed beef, pastured pork and farm-grown wool products to their community.

Spencer and Melissa are committed to providing the highest quality milk possible to their share owners, while building a farm that is biodiverse and truly sustainable.


Gebrüder Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Placerville, California
Contact: Allison Wanninger - gebruderfarm@gmail.com, 530-363-8188, www.gebruderfarm.com
How to Buy: Gebrüder Farm provides herd share members with fresh raw A2/A2 dairy with on-farm pick up and convent weekly deliveries throughout El Dorado county. Located in scenic wine country of the Sierra Foothills, Gebrüder Farm is an educational centered CSA (community supported agricultural) bio-dynamic farm that offers raw A2/A2 dairy, pork, beef, eggs, local honey, and produce for its members. When you become part of the Gebrüder Farm Family, you’re able to have a say in how your food is grown and raised.


Hillside Springs Homestead

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Poultney, Vermont
Contact: David Atherton, hillsidespringshomestead@gmail.com, 802-287-6589, HillsideSpringsHomestead.com

How to Buy: On farm sales, farmer's markets and CSA deliveries

Profile: ​Our primary focus at HSH is producing the tastiest and healthiest raw milk available. Our cows are healthy and have a high quality of life. During the warm months, the cattle are rotationally grazed on grass with access to clean water and minerals. During the winter, our cows have access to the outside 24/7, so they can choose to be in the barn when the wind is blowing or outside when the sun is shining. We have developed a system for producing safe raw milk, which is supported by our on-farm laboratory. We test every milking for bacteria and contaminations. Raw milk is our passion and we love to share it.


Just Earth Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Junction City, Oregon
Contact: Susanne Stover, susanne@justearthfarm.com, (541) 234-3661, www.justearthfarm.com
How to Buy: Just Earth Farm does not sell milk to the public. Milk is produced from the privately-owned herd and is available exclusively to herd co-owners. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a herd co-owner, please visit our website.

Profile: Joe Ramagli and Susanne Stover began their farming adventure in 2007, when they met at Happy Heart Farm, a biodynamic CSA in Colorado. When their own farm finally became a reality in 2013, producing the safest and most delicious raw milk possible began with training under RAWMI-listed farmers, and has become a passion for the entire Just Earth Farm Team.


KID creek pastures

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Mount Shasta, California
Contact: Shawna Barr, kidcreekpastures@gmail.com, (530) 926-5581, www.kidcreekpastures.com
How to Buy: Kid Creek Pastures does not sell milk to the public. Milk is produced from the privately owned herd and is available exclusively to herd co-owners. To inquire about how to purchase a share and become a co-owner, please visit their website.

Profile: Shawna Barr and her family were concerned about the many unknown ingredients and processing methods used even for basic foods like milk and meat.  Unfortunately, finding local farmers proved to be very difficult, and that was particularly true for meat and dairy. Instead of giving up, they bought a farm. Fast forward ten years, and now they are passionate about making local, transparently produced, nutrient dense food available to their community. 


Ontario Dairy


Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Ontario, Canada

Due to the Canadian legal situation with raw milk, this dairy chooses to be unnamed on the RAWMI website.


P A Bowen Farmstead

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Brandywine, Maryland
Contact: Sally Fallon Morell -safallon@aol.com, (301) 579-2727, pabowenfarmstead.com
How to Buy: Farm store, farmers markets, restaurants and cheese shops.  Check here for updated list:  http://pabowenfarmstead.com/farm-store/

Profile: P A Bowen farmstead produces artisan raw cheese from pasture-fed Jersey cows in a state-of-the-art facility.  Cheesemaker Sally Fallon Morell and staff make Chesapeake Cheddar, Prince George’s Blue, Aquasco Jack and Dreamy Creamy cheese for sale in the farm store and in local markets.  The farm also produces whey-fed woodlands pork and pastured chicken and eggs.


S & M Farm

Listing Status: Inactive

Location: Overbrook, Kansas
Contact: Shelley and Matt Harding - shelley.harding74@yahoo.com, (785) 554-0417, https://www.facebook.com/S-M-Farm-102045764704914

How to Buy: S & M Farm sells milk directly at the farm. Contact Shelley for details.

Profile: S & M Farm (Shelley & Matt) is owned and operated by Matt and Shelley Harding in Overbrook, Kansas on a small slice of Kansas heaven. Building a first-generation farm with a single Holstein cow, we hope to teach the next generation what it means to care for both the land and the animals. We believe if you nurture nature, nature is bountiful and when you love what you do, then you never work on the farm.

Our utmost priority is providing clean raw milk for our family and for our customers. We also offer farm fresh eggs. Find us on Facebook.