What is the Raw Milk Institute's method for safe raw milk?

Consumer demand for raw milk is expanding, as people learn about the health benefits of raw milk as well as the negative effects of pasteurization. Whereas pasteurized milk is a top food allergen and difficult to digest, raw milk is actually a health-supporting food with rich therapeutic potential that is easily digested by most consumers. Yet, standards for raw milk vary widely from state to state and country to country.

The Raw Milk Institute’s Common Standards were developed specifically to help farmers and regulators be able to consistently achieve low-risk raw milk. These standards were developed by bringing together a diverse international group including medical doctors and epidemiologists, nutritional consultants, veterinarians, food safety scientists, raw milk farmers, and raw milk consumers. This collaborative group developed the Raw Milk Institute Common Standards, which were initially released in 2012.

RAWMI method

The RAWMI Common Standards describe a three-pronged approach for the production of safe raw milk which consists of:

  • Farmer training and mentoring

  • Risk Analysis and Management Plan (RAMP) for the unique conditions on each individual farm

  • Stringent yet achievable bacterial test standards for coliforms and Standard Plate Count (SPC)

The RAWMI Common Standards have become a foundational part of low-risk raw milk production across North America. When farmers are well-trained, use careful production practices as laid out in their individual RAMP, and perform ongoing bacterial testing of their milk, they can produce raw milk that is ultra-low-risk.

What are some advantages for farmers selling raw milk?

Farmers have been denied fair markets for their dairy products for more than a century. All of the value-added efforts are happening after products leave the farm. Thus, it is the creameries and processing plants that are making that additional money. The creameries process, brand, label and collect the profits while the farmer remains faceless and without recourse to affect the amount they earn.

Raw milk presents a unique farmstead product that brings all the added value back to the farmer with an incentive to work on quality. By selling directly to consumers, raw milk farmers are able to obtain greater financial rewards for their work, while consumers benefit from the improved flavor and nutrition. It’s a win for both farmers and consumers!

In selling directly to consumers, raw milk farmers get to know and appreciate the families who benefit from their milk. And, the consumers also get to know and appreciate the raw milk farmers. This increased connection allows the farmers to more fully embrace their roles as providers of nourishment, by knowing the real families who benefit from their labors.

What are the benefits of becoming LISTED by the Raw Milk Institute?

Some of the benefits of becoming LISTED by the Raw Milk Institute are:

  • free mentoring in the production of safe, low-risk raw milk

  • increased milk shelf life and improved milk flavor

  • increased consumer confidence

  • improved regulatory and inspector relationships

  • lower liability insurance rates

  • quarterly meetings with other RAWMI LISTED farms for open exchange of information, troubleshooting and the continual evolution of best practices for the production of low-risk raw milk

  • assistance with potential recalls and media communications

The Raw Milk Institute’s farmer program provides a powerful tool for farmers to connect with consumers seeking raw milk and provides a place to demonstrate their good track record. The Raw Milk Institute mentors LISTED farmers in developing their own Grass-to-Glass Risk Analysis Management Plan (RAMP) to optimize the health and hygiene of their farms. Monthly testing assures that each RAMP is working effectively to achieve the Common Standards for low-risk raw milk. There is more information about how to become RAWMI LISTED here:

How do farmers get started in switching from pasteurized to raw milk production?

Switching from producing milk intended for pasteurization to raw milk intended for direct human consumption requires a big shift in mindset and practices. Studies have shown that up to 24% of pre-pasteurized milk contains pathogens, whereas raw milk from well-trained farmers is very unlikely to contain pathogens.

Farmers who produce low-risk raw milk must carefully manage the cleanliness and hygiene of the farm as a whole from grass-to-glass. From the health of the herd, to cleanliness of the milking parlor, to the specific cleaning processes for the milk line, to ensuring rapid milk chilling, to regularly testing their milk, and everything in between, raw milk farmers have to be dedicated to taking their farm management to the next level in order to ensure that their raw milk is safe to consume.

For dairy farmers who are considering the switch to raw milk production, there are specific guidelines for producing safe raw milk here:

The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) trains and mentors farmers in the production of low-risk raw milk. RAWMI is a non-profit organization, so our training and mentoring is FREE for farmers. Whether or not farmers decide to become LISTED by RAWMI, we're happy to help in making sure they get off to a good start with raw milk. Farmers can email us at contact@rawmilkinstitute.org.

It is said that raw milk is unsafe. Isn't pasteurization necessary for safety?

It is true that raw milk produced as “intended for pasteurization” and sourced from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) is generally unsanitary and unsafe to consume raw.  This milk is produced according to FDA standards in the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO), which allows for up to 100,000 colony-forming units (cfu) of bacteria per mL in Standard Plate Count (SPC) testing. The PMO does not have a standard for how many coliforms are allowed in pre-pasteurized milk, but the state of California allows coliforms up to 750 cfu/mL of milk.

Pre-pasteurized milk is often being produced in conditions where animal health is compromised, antibiotics are utilized, hormones are used to stimulate higher levels of milk production, there is an abundance of manure, and there is a corresponding high rate of pathogens.  This type of milk is generally commingled with milk from multiple dairies, which increases the risk of pathogenic exposure. At the Raw Milk Institute, we agree that consumption of this type of raw milk is high risk.

However, raw milk that is carefully and intentionally produced for direct human consumption is a low-risk food. This type of raw milk is wholly different from raw milk being produced in unhygienic conditions. Raw milk intended for direct human consumption is produced in sanitary conditions, with much care to ensure that the animals are healthy and that the milk is clean. This type of raw milk is tested often and held to rigorous standards to ensure that it is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth.  

The Raw Milk Institute Common Standards call for <5,000 cfu/mL for SPC testing, and <10 cfu/mL in coliform testing. As you can see in the charts below, intentionally-produced raw milk is measurably quite different from pre-pasteurized raw milk, and even meets stricter standards than pasteurized milk.

SPC chart.png
coli chart.png

There is no such thing as a perfectly safe food. However, studies have shown that raw milk is a low-risk food when there are proper training of farmers, careful production practices, and ongoing testing.

  • A study of intentional raw milk production and testing practices in the USA, Canada, and Germany concluded that, "raw milk can be produced with a high level of hygiene and safety.”

  • Research has shown that the rate of raw milk related outbreaks is decreasing, meanwhile the consumption of raw milk is increasing. For instance, one study concluded that “Controlling for growth in population and consumption, the [raw milk] outbreak rate has effectively decreased by 74% since 2005.”

For more information about the differences between raw milk intended for pasteurization and carefully produced raw milk intended for direct human consumption, go here:

Is raw milk healthier than pasteurized milk?

Current science has shown that pasteurization has a negative effect on the beneficial qualities of milk. Pasteurization of milk has been shown to:

In many ways, raw milk can be likened to breastmilk: they both contain a wide array of beneficial nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, in their natural form which is most easily utilized by the body. Both raw milk and breastmilk are designed to provide excellent nutrition and strengthen the immune system. Raw milk, and especially raw milk from pastured animals,  is a great source of calcium, iron, Vitamins A, D & K, phosphorus, zinc, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and omega-3 fatty acids, plus many beneficial enzymes and probiotics.

Does raw milk have any documented health benefits?

Scientific studies that specifically compared raw milk to pasteurized milk have concluded that raw milk has significant health benefits over pasteurized milk.