Raw Milk Science

Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance

People choose to drink raw milk for many different reasons. Some are seeking to support local farms and connect with the places from which their food originates.  Others want to make sure that animal welfare is a high priority in the production of their food. Some people choose raw milk for its delicious, rich flavor.  And still others seek out raw milk in order to address specific health conditions, such as asthma, allergies, and eczema.

Lactose intolerance and maldigestion of pasteurized milk are significant factors for many people who choose raw milk. Nonetheless, when researching the peer-reviewed literature, many would conclude that raw milk cannot help with lactose intolerance. Raw milk detractors often cite a study by Stanford University in their assertion that raw milk does not help with lactose intolerance. However, many people who have been diagnosed as “lactose intolerant” have reported that they can actually drink raw milk with no digestive problems. Let’s dig deep into all of this to better understand the disconnect.

The Stanford Study

The Stanford study, titled “Effect of Raw Milk on Lactose Intolerance: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study,” assessed the effects of raw milk, pasteurized milk, and soy milk in 16 adults. The people participating in this study were confirmed to have “true lactose malabsorption” through the use of a Hydrogen Breath Test (HBT). Over a course of several weeks, the participants in the study consumed successively greater amounts of raw milk, pasteurized milk, and soy milk in an 8-day milk phase for each type of milk as shown in the figure below.  This study found that there was no improvement in lactose intolerance symptoms with the consumption of raw milk compared to pasteurized milk.

Milk dosage protocol and outcome measures for each 8-day milk phase: full amount of milk was consumed in 1 sitting on each day. Mummah, et al 2014.

Milk dosage protocol and outcome measures for each 8-day milk phase: full amount of milk was consumed in 1 sitting on each day. Mummah, et al 2014.

Although the Stanford study has often been cited as proving that raw milk does not help with lactose intolerance, there are some significant problems with this study. The sample size of 16 participants is quite small, and this makes is very difficult to make any sweeping conclusions based on the results of the study.  The sample size becomes even more problematic when it is considered that 383 people initially signed up to participate in the study.

The 383 people who volunteered for this study considered themselves to be lactose intolerant. This means that they had experienced digestive symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramping, audible bowel sounds, and/or flatulence as a result of consuming milk products. However, only 27 people were qualified to participate through the use of the Hydrogen Breath Test. Of these 27 people, 16 people chose to participate in the study. Out of the initial group of 383 volunteer participants, only 4% actually participated in the study. This means that 96% of the original volunteers were excluded from this study!

This calls into question the use of the Hydrogen Breath Test as an appropriate measure of lactose intolerance.  Although the HBT is used to characterize the clinical definition of lactose malabsorption, it is clearly not a sufficient test for identifying people who experience digestive symptoms as a result of consuming milk products. The study even mentioned that, “Many people with lactose malabsorption [as diagnosed through results of the HBT] do not report clinical lactose intolerance. Conversely, many individuals with perceived lactose intolerance do not experience malabsorption [as confirmed with HBT].” The Hydrogen Breath Test is clearly not a sufficient test for identifying people who experience digestive symptoms from the consumption of milk products.

Another significant problem with the Stanford study is that the length of the 8-day milk phases may have been too short.  Specifically, the study authors found that “the reduced H2 production observed for raw milk on day 8 vs day 1 suggests a degree of adaptation to raw milk… In contrast to raw milk, no adaptation was observed for pasteurized milk.” The participants had decreased levels of hydrogen in the HBT by the end of the 8-day raw milk phase, and this finding warrants further study to determine whether this trend would have continued over a longer period of time and resulted in a reduction of lactose intolerance symptoms.

Overall, the Stanford study fell far short of actually answering the question of whether raw milk can be well-tolerated by people who describe themselves as “lactose-intolerant.” 96% of the volunteers who considered themselves to be lactose intolerant were excluded from this study. Furthermore, the study did not continue long enough to determine if the positive trend in hydrogen production from drinking raw milk would have continued and resulted in reduction of lactose intolerance symptoms.

First-Hand Accounts About Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance

There have been numerous first-hand reports of improvements in lactose intolerance from the consumption of raw milk. For instance, lactose intolerance runs in my husband's family, coming through his father.  My husband and his siblings all developed digestive problems from consuming milk and other dairy products at around 18-20 years old. Prior to trying raw milk, my husband could only tolerate pasteurized milk products if he took lactase enzyme pills whenever he consumed dairy. However, my husband has been able to drink raw milk in moderate amounts (such as 1-2 glasses per day) with no problems, and raw milk consumption also corresponded with an increased ability to tolerate pasteurized dairy in cheese and ice cream.  My father-in-law was also able to consume raw milk without digestive problems and reported that it also increased his ability to consume pasteurized cheese and ice cream.  

Here are a few more first-hand accounts about raw milk consumption and lactose intolerance.

I am lactose intolerant. I was diagnosed around the age of 12. I missed so much school due to upset stomach & went off of dairy fully for over 10 years. I can drink raw milk with no issues - I can have cups of it with no bad side effects. In fact - I can even have pasteurized dairy now with little to no problems. It has helped my gut health so much - I notice when I don’t consume it because my digestion gets weird.

“When I first started drinking it I was terrified but after the first cup my body craved it for the first month. It was all I wanted. I could have easily drank half a gallon a day if I didn’t limit myself. That’s tapered off now though.”       ~Bethanie N.

I had IBS and had to take everything out of my diet and slowly add things back in to see what was bothering me. It was processed dairy. Found raw dairy and now that's all I consume most days. Raw milk, cheese, yogurt, butter. IBS gone, hemorrhoids gone, arthritis gone, inflammation gone, sinus problems gone. Feel like a new woman.” ~Patricia W.

My kids were all lactose intolerant, but when I switched to raw A2, they all saw a huge difference in response. No more issues. One of my kiddos was at the point of needing her tonsils removed, but they shrunk down to normal size, and her sleep apnea went away.” ~mother of four children

raw milk

Surveys About Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance

There have been several raw milk surveys which collected data about lactose intolerance. In a 2007 survey of Michigan raw milk drinkers, 155 people participating in the survey had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance by a healthcare professional. Out of these 155 people, 118 reported that they did not have lactose intolerance symptoms from consuming raw milk.  Thus, 76% of the survey respondents who had been diagnosed with lactose intolerance were able to consume raw milk with no digestive issues.

In a 2011 survey of 56 Michigan raw milk drinkers, “eleven individuals claimed that they experienced symptoms of lactose intolerance when drinking processed milks but had no ill side effects from drinking raw milk.”

In a 2014 survey of 153 Maryland raw milk drinkers, “Fifty-nine respondents claimed no discomfort after drinking raw milk but discomfort from drinking pasteurized milk.

Raw Milk and Lactase

Pasteurization inactivates enzymes and also denatures proteins, and consequently pasteurized milk induces digestive discomfort in many people. Lactase is the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose into digestible form. Raw milk facilitates the production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract, and thus it makes sense that so many people have reported improvements in lactose intolerance from drinking raw milk.

Ancient populations who relied on dairy products adapted over time by developing lactase persistence genes. These genes allow people to digest lactose into adulthood, and they have been found in various indigenous populations in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Overall, around 35% of adults worldwide have lactase persistence genes.

Although it has been widely argued that only people who have lactase persistence genes can consume milk, there are currently many populations around the globe who subsist largely on dairy yet who do not have lactase persistence genes.  For instance, despite the fact that an estimated 95% of Mongolians do not have the lactase persistence gene, their diet relies very heavily on raw milk, cheese, and other milk products.

Furthermore, archaeological evidence shows that humans were consuming raw milk for thousands of years before the widespread appearance of the lactase-persistence gene. Raw milk allowed humans to thrive in conditions where survival would have been difficult. Scientists now believe that lactase-persistence genes were spread through natural selection. This means that the reproductive capacity and/or survivability of ancient raw milk drinkers was substantially increased compared to non-milk-drinking populations.

Large Body of Evidence for Raw Milk and Lactose Intolerance Benefits

First-hand accounts and surveys show that there are many people whose lactose intolerance symptoms are improved by drinking raw milk. Additionally, many worldwide raw milk-drinking populations do not have lactase persistence genes. Furthermore, the archaeological record shows that humans were consuming raw milk for thousands of years before the appearance of lactase persistence genes. This large body of evidence cannot be negated by one small study. The Stanford study should clearly not be seen as the final word on raw milk and lactose intolerance.

Raw Milk Reduces Respiratory Infections and Fevers

respiratory infections and raw milk

A study of 983 European infants looked at consumption of raw milk, pasteurized milk, and ultra-high temperature pasteurized milk alongside occurrence of respiratory tract infections, rhinitis (runny nose), otitis (ear infections), and fever. This study was published in January 2015 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology [1].

Every week from age 8 weeks to 53 weeks, the infants’ health outcomes and dairy consumption were tracked. “The main finding of this analysis was an inverse association between consumption of unprocessed [raw] cow's milk and rhinitis, RTI [respiratory tract infection], and otitis.” There was also an inverse association between raw milk and fevers.

In layman’s terms, an “inverse association” means that as one increases, the other decreases. This study thus found that, as raw milk consumption increased, the incidence of runny nose, respiratory tract infections, fevers, and ear infections decreased. The researchers concluded that, “The protective effects of raw cow's milk on infections were comparable to those of breast-feeding, suggesting similar anti-infective properties of bovine and human milk.”

raw milk respiratory infections.png

Additionally, C-reactive proteins were measured in the infants at 12 months old. C-reactive proteins are a measure of inflammation in the body. The study found that “raw farm milk consumption was inversely associated with C-reactive protein levels at 12 months.” The researchers concluded that consumption of raw milk led to a “sustained anti-inflammatory effect” in the body.

It is clear from this research that raw milk consumption is correlated with improved resistance to respiratory tract infections, ear infections, fevers, and overall inflammation.


[1] Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2015; 135 (1): 56-62. Loss G, Depner M, Ulfman LH, Joost van Neerven RJ, Hose AJ, Genuneit J, Karvonen M, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Pekkanen J, Vaarala O, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ; PASTURE study group. https://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749%2814%2901274-3/fulltext

NEW Raw Milk Research: Suppression of Pathogens in Properly Refrigerated Raw Milk

We are pleased to announce that a new peer-reviewed paper has been published about pathogen growth in raw milk.  The paper is "Suppression of pathogens in properly refrigerated raw milk" by primary authors Peg Coleman and Dr Tom Oscar. 

This paper documents the results of a pilot study aimed at gaining insights into how well pathogens can grow in refrigerated raw milk. This study was commissioned by the Raw Milk Institute, with pathogen growth tests being performed at Food Safety Net Services (FSNS), an independent 3rd party lab.

Inapplicable Data Has Been Used to Vilify Raw Milk

Some of the data cited by Government agencies against raw milk includes pathogen growth studies where it was found that pathogens multiply greatly over time.  However, these studies are not actually applicable to carefully-produced raw milk because they were performed in nutrient-rich broth instead of milk, they used tremendously high amounts of pathogens (such as 10 log 7, which corresponds to ten million pathogenic colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria per mL), or they did not account for cold temperature storage.

Pathogens Were Purposely Added Into Raw Milk

In this new pilot study, samples of well-produced raw milk were purposely inoculated with the four main pathogens of concern for raw milk: E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and Listeria monocytogenes. The raw milk was inoculated at two levels (high and moderate counts per mL).

Pathogen Growth Was Measured Over Time

The objective of this new pilot study was to document growth characteristics of these pathogens in carefully produced raw milk over a period of 14 days when stored at the refrigeration temperature recommended by FDA and USDA: 40°F (4.4 °C). The number of pathogenic bacteria present in the raw milk were counted on days 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 14.

Study Found No Growth of Three Types of Pathogens

The study authors concluded that:

"The major finding of the pilot study is statistical evidence of no growth at 4.4°C for the major foodborne pathogens causing illness associated with raw milk in the US (Campylobacter, E. coli O157:H7, and Salmonella). For listeriosis, rarely associated with illness from raw milk, the pilot study documented evidence of pathogen growth in 8 of 12 replicates (P = 0.001 to P = 0.028, significant by ANOVA in the second week of refrigerated storage)."

These results indicate that, when stored at the recommended refrigerator temperature, moderate to high counts of E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. did not multiply over time in raw milk.

Listeria monocytogenes exhibited some growth in the second week of refrigeration. It is important to note that a recent systematic review found that the risks of severe listeriosis were greater for pasteurized milk than for raw milk.

Challenging Incorrect Assumptions of the Past

Although more data is needed, the results of this pilot study serve to provide an initial basis for challenging incorrect assumptions of the past that overestimated the growth of pathogens in clean, cold raw milk produced for direct human consumption by careful, trained producers.

Special thanks to Peg Coleman and Dr Tom Oscar for their work on this statistical analysis and paper.

You can read the full paper here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0289249

New Raw Milk Research From the 2023 IMGC Symposium

A Farmer’s Takeaways from the 2023 Symposium of the International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC)

“If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”


Well…I was in the right room at IMGC with a huge opportunity to learn and grow. Just like all prior years.

The 20th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) Symposium was held on September 6-8 2023. This was the 12th year that I have attended the IMGC Symposium. For the last several years, the Raw Milk Institute has been an official Bronze Level Sponsor of the conference. These conferences have taken me all over the world, including Cork Ireland, Quebec Canada, Aarhus Demark (twice), Sydney Australia, and UC Davis in California several times. I am nearly always the only farmer in the room filled with dairy processing scientists, PhD students, dairy science professors and university professors, and other milk researchers.

Over 12 years, I have made some great friends and created some important collaborations and alliances. I am approached by PhDs, especially after I speak at the microphone after a particularly engaging presentation that begs questions. They say things like, “Keep on asking those great questions!”  I am the only one that can ask those questions because everyone else would potentially lose their NIH or industry grants if they dared to asked those kinds of questions.

Time and interest are ushering in a new generation of open-minded PhD researchers, many of whom are women. They all want to talk about raw milk and its bioactive elements. Raw milk is truly a miracle of nature.  Being an event sponsor has allowed greater access to insider information about all things milk.  Below are my main takeaways from three intensive days of meetings, interactions, meals and dinner parties, and presentations in Cork Ireland at the University of Cork.

Raw Milk Institute was a Bronze Level Sponsor of the 2023 IMGC Symposium

Raw Milk Nourishes, Protects, and Directs

Raw milk is incredibly complex and perfectly designed to nourish, protect, and direct. We all know that raw milk is designed as the first food of life for babies to thrive and grow, yet as researchers continue to study raw milk, they discover many more benefits.

For instance, raw milk serves as a delivery system for immune-bioactive proteins. Peptides (which are chains of amino acid proteins) are protective of the baby by not allowing pathogens to cause illness. These functional proteins serve many roles, including protection of the baby.

Other specialized-proteins in breastmilk include natural mRNA, which provide the genetic information to direct cellular metabolic processes in the baby.  Breastmilk also contains stem cells for repair of damaged cells or tissues.

Raw milk also contains everything needed for its digestion. Raw milk has proteases, peptidases (for digesting proteins), lipases (for digesting fats), and bacteria that make lactase (for digesting lactose).

Additionally, when people drink milk, over time there are changes in the composition of the gut bacteria that make milk digestion easier. Lactase-producing bacteria found in the gut become the probiotic and as they feed on lactose, that becomes their selected prebiotic (food that bacteria chose to digest or eat). Over time the populations of these lactose-loving probiotic bacteria increase when they are fed lactose from dairy products.

The various milk proteins, immunoglobins, enzymes, fats and sugars are “qualitatively similar” between human breastmilk and cow milk. However, they are “quantitatively different” and appear at different levels and amounts in cow milk versus human milk. The same would be true for other bovine milks. The similarities are why humans can drink raw milk from cows, goats, and other animals. 

Milk’s Benefits Can’t Be Extracted

Many raw milk researchers are focused on finding ways to extract beneficial elements from raw milk. However, these elements are designed to work together with the full complement of many different macro- and micro- nutrients, enzymes, probiotics, etc in whole raw milk.

New products made with bio-actives extracted from raw milk will likely be met with suspicion, as well they should. The health benefits from whole, raw milk are the result of a complex interplay of bio-actives. Outside of the whole food matrix, those bio-actives are incomplete and not as effective as in their natural state.

Milk Fat is Essential to Its Beneficial Properties

Butterfat in milk is an essential part of milk’s overall beneficial properties. This fat is known to benefit brain development, immune system development, intestinal development, and the composition of the gut microbiota.

Butter fat globules are three-layer thick capsules that come in different sizes. The three-layered capsules are used by the gut as fiber; they also provide butyrate and butyric acids which are highly beneficial and healing to the lower gut. 60% of the bioactive elements found in raw milk are “carried on or inside” the fat globule. This says so much about skim milk, which has lost much of its beneficial value with the removal of the fat.

Researchers discovered that the fat globules in the milk are smaller in cows fed a high energy diet with high stress levels, such as cows being kept in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The smaller fat globules in the milk do not contain bacteria inside that could ride through the stomach to the lower gut.

In contrast, the fat globules are larger in cows fed a low energy diet and under low stress levels (such as cows in pasture-based operations).  These larger fat globules carry bacteria inside of them. It is thought that the fat cell may act as a protective carrier vessel to carry bacteria though the stomach acid environment into the lower gut where they may be beneficial.

Pasteurization Damages and Denatures Milk

Pasteurization damages milk such that it becomes oxidated, highly allergenic, and hard to digest. It is a common protocol to pasteurize milk up to 3 or 4 times to achieve longer shelf life and assure that the milk is completely dead, with no regard for the essential and beneficial bio-actives that are destroyed in the process. 

Raw milk contains everything it needs to digest itself. Raw milk contains enzymes and bacteria that help create more enzymes to digest raw milk and all the sub elements. Milk maldigestion has been over simplified. It is not just lactose; it is the proteins and fats that also need help with digestion.

After pasteurization the bioactive elements needed for milk to digest itself are missing! Fats, proteins, and sugars all need digesting, but their enzymes and digestive bacteria are denatured or dead.  Without active enzymes, digestion of fat (via lipase) and proteins (via protease) is inhibited. This results in maldigestion in some consumers. 

Whereas raw milk helps to build immune system strength, pasteurized milk does not build up the immune system. Heat denatures the functional proteins and does not allow cellular direction. This can result in cellular confusion and chaos.

Raw whey proteins are highly anti-inflammatory and have many health benefits. The raw whey health benefit findings are consistent with other researchers in the Netherlands, including Dr. Ton Baars’ research on whey proteins showing that they stabilize MAST cells, control histamine release, and reduce allergies.

However, all whey is required to be pasteurized in the USA as per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. Whey proteins are destroyed by processing and are highly sensitive to heat. One researcher has been frustrated in trying to extract the beneficial components from pasteurized whey. The heating of whey makes the components “sticky” such that they plug up the ultrafiltration micropores. Therefore, ultra filtration cannot be used to extract whey components from pasteurized whey.

New Pasteurization Technologies Cause Less Damage Than Traditional Heat Pasteurization

As an alternative to heat-based pasteurization, researchers are studying other methods such as high pressure (HPP), ultrafiltration, and ultraviolet (UV) light. These methods are effective at inactivating bacteria and less harmful to milk than heat-based pasteurization. For instance, both high pressure processing and ultraviolet processing preserve some of the bioactive milk proteins better than heat-based pasteurization.

Nonetheless, milk processors in the USA are resisting the use of these new technologies. In some other countries, UV and HPP are being successfully used, but in the USA the FDA continues to represent processors’ interests and thereby block the ability to innovate with these alternatives to heat processing. This failure to innovate with HPP, UV or Ultrafiltration is creating a loss of consumer interest in pasteurized milk as people continue to suffer from maldigestion when consuming pasteurized milk.

In Studies, 20,000+ Kids Drank Raw Milk With NO Milk-Related Illnesses

The pioneering PARSIFAL and GABRIELA studies of more than 55,000 kids in Europe really set the international high bar for studies on raw milk. The overall findings included reduced rates of asthma, eczema, respiratory illnesses, fevers, allergies, and ear infections in children who drank raw milk.

At the symposium, it was emphasized that during all of those studies and over twenty years of research, there was never a “red flag event.” A red flag event would be a reported illness from raw milk consumption. The studies included data from more than 20,000 children who drank raw milk, and there was not a single red flag event!

Yet, at the end of each of the peer reviewed and journal published articles, there is a disclaimer that says something such as, “even though there are health benefits to consuming raw milk, the researchers can not recommend raw milk because of the risks of raw milk consumption.” This disclaimer was included because peer review and journal publication political pressures demanded it, despite the fact that there was no basis in the research data.

Dr. Markus Ege MD and Mark McAfee, in Cork Ireland at the IMGC symposium 2023

Raw Milk Provides Sustainability for Farmers and Superb Nutrition for Consumers

Farmers have been denied fair markets for their dairy products for more than a century. All of the value-added efforts are happening after products leave the farm. Milk processors continue to ensure that farmers are paid low prices for their milk, resulting in the loss of thousands of family farms. However, raw milk provides a pathway to sustainability and life satisfaction for dairy farmers.

Raw milk presents a unique farmstead product that brings all the added value back to the farmer with an incentive to work on quality. By selling directly to consumers, raw milk farmers are able to obtain greater financial rewards for their work, while consumers benefit from the improved flavor and nutrition. It’s a win-win for farmers and consumers!

Raw milk that is carefully and intentionally produced for direct human consumption is a low-risk food. This type of raw milk is wholly different from raw milk being produced in unhygienic conditions. Raw milk intended for direct human consumption is produced in sanitary conditions, with much care to ensure that the animals are healthy and that the milk is clean. This type of raw milk is tested often and held to rigorous standards to ensure that it is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth.

By combining nature’s blueprints, the bio-actives found in whole raw milk, standards for good production practices and modern testing systems, RAWMI Listed farmers are nourishing consumers safely. Congrats to all of the RAWMI Listed pioneers! 

Texas Raw Milk Training: For World-Class, Low-Risk Raw Milk!

Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) recently taught a full-day intensive farmer training class on Production of Low-Risk, World-Class Raw Milk in Mount Pleasant Texas. RAWMI President Mark McAfee and Vice President Sarah Smith traveled to Texas to teach this class in collaboration with Northeast Texas Community College (NTCC).

There were 25+ attendees from Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Attendees included farmers who are already producing raw milk, prospective farmers considering raw milk production, and students who were interested to know more about raw milk.

RAWMI presented our full 5-hour training presentation in the NTCC Ag Complex classroom, complete with catered snacks and lunch from local businesses.

A Texas state dairy inspector also presented and answered questions about Texas raw milk laws. She provided invaluable information about Texas’ Raw for Retail statute as well as the allowance for herdshares in Texas.

Following our classroom presentation, we took the students for a farm tour at Udder Delight Dairy, which is a raw milk micro-dairy that is operated by Tom and Brenda Ramler. Their dairy is currently working through our free one-on-one mentoring process to become a RAWMI Listed dairy.

Overall, this class was a resounding success! The students were engaged and appreciative of the opportunity to learn more. Several farmers who attended the class have expressed interest in becoming RAWMI Listed as well.

RAWMI extends special thanks to Tom Ramler, Jimmy Smith, and Northeast Texas Community College for sponsoring and coordinating this important step for safe, low-risk raw milk in Texas!

Managing the Increased Risks of Calf-Sharing on Raw Milk Farms

Calf-sharing, i.e. allowing a cow’s offspring to nurse directly from its mother, is a common practice on small dairy farms.  Many farmers and consumers think that calf-sharing is ideal for the health and well-being of both the cow and calf, and it does present an idyllic picture of farm life. Calf-sharing can also reduce the workload for farmers, who don’t have to bottle-feed the calves.   

However, farmers who are producing raw milk need to be aware that calf sharing increases the risk of pathogens being present in the raw milk. The same is true for kid-sharing with goats.

Pathogens, Calves, and Kids

You may wonder: Why do calf-sharing and kid-sharing increase the risk of pathogens in raw milk?  Just like human babies, calves and kids explore the world with their mouths and can then directly transfer harmful bacteria to the udders as well as to the inside of the teat canals. Calves and kids have immature immune systems and are therefore more likely to harbor pathogens themselves.

Although pathogens in well-produced raw milk are rare, they are still an important consideration and we encourage all raw milk farmers to take pathogens seriously.  Pathogenic bacteria that can be carried by calves and kids include E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and Listeria monocytogenes. Illnesses from these pathogens can be serious or even fatal. 

Many scientific studies have verified that calves and kids are more likely to carry pathogens than their fully-grown counterparts. Below are a couple of the studies; additional studies are listed in the references section at the end of this article.

  • A longitudinal study of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) prevalence in three Australian dairy herds -

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037811359900173X?via%3Dihub -

    "In concurrence with previous studies, it appears that cattle, and in particular 1–14-week-old weanling calves, are the primary reservoir for STEC and EHEC on the dairy farm."

  • Age related differences in phylogenetic diversity, prevalence of Shiga toxins, Intimin, Hemolysin genes and select serogroups of Escherichia. coli from pastured meat goats detected in a longitudinal cohort study - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7391229/ - "Overall, virulence genes and STEC [virulent e coli] were detected in isolates from goat kids in higher proportions than adult animals. Additionally, isolates with 2 or more virulence genes were significantly higher in pre-weaned and goat kids around weaning than in adult goats."

Illness outbreaks from petting zoos provide further confirmation that calves and kids can transfer pathogens in real-world conditions.

  • Animal petting zoos as sources of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella and extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae -   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33382208/ - “Animal petting zoos and farm fairs provide the opportunity for children and adults to interact with animals, but contact with animals carries a risk of exposure to zoonotic pathogens and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria... Of 163 faecal samples, 75 contained stx1, stx2 or stx1/stx2 genes, indicating the presence of STEC. Samples included faeces from sika deer (100%), sheep (92%), goats (88%), mouflons (80%), camels (62%), llamas (50%), yaks (50%), pigs (29%) and donkeys (6%)…”

This information makes some farmers and consumers uncomfortable, yet it is still important to consider in developing a plan for minimizing the risk of pathogens from raw milk.   

Staph aureus, Calves, and Kids

In addition to pathogens that can cause human illness, calf-sharing (and kid-sharing) can increase the chance that Staph aureus will be widespread in the dairy herd.  Staph aureus is a type of bacteria that colonizes inside the mammary tissue, thereby increasing the risk of recurrent mastitis. The presence of Staph aureus can also cause scar tissue in the udder, which may result in lower milk production over time.  Cows and dams can transfer Staph aureus to suckling calves and kids, such that Staph aureus can become widespread in the dairy herd.  

Bottle-Feeding Has the Lowest Risk for Pathogens

At the Raw Milk Institute, our goal is to help farmers better-understand the potential risks in raw milk production so that they can then take steps to minimize the risks.  We are not the raw milk police, and we do not forbid anyone from calf-sharing. However, we want to make sure that farmers are aware of the risks and can then plan for how to reduce the risks.  

To achieve the lowest risk-profile, calves and kids would be bottle-fed.  It is nonetheless very important to ensure that the calves and kids receive the colostrum in order to help build up their immune systems. Be aware that the manure from calves and kids can also be a source of pathogens.  

Studies and farmer experience have shown that early separation (within 24 hours of birth) reduces the stress of the separation on both calves and cows. Leaving the cow and calf together for longer periods increases the stress related to separation.

  • Effects of early separation on the dairy cow and calf: 2. Separation at 1 day and 2 weeks after birth - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11179551/ - “Behavioural observations were conducted on 24 Holstein dairy cow-calf pairs during the first 24h after separation. Before separation, cow-calf pairs were generally inactive. After separation, cows from the late-separation treatment group showed higher rates of calling, movement and placing the head outside the pen, than cows in the early-separation group.”

Calves who have been separated from their mothers will do best if they are kept with at least one other calf rather than in isolation. 

  • The effect of individual versus pair housing of dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period on measures of health, performance, and behavior up to 16 weeks of age - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33358809/ - Pair housing of dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period helps meet the natural social needs of the calf and has been shown to improve growth and starter intake during the preweaning period as compared with individual housing.

Raising calves can be time-intensive, so some farms choose to instead have their calves raised offsite at farms that specialize in calf-rearing.  

Managing the Risks of Calf-Sharing

For farms that choose to calf-share or kid-share, below are some risk management strategies that have been employed successfully in small dairy farms that have participated in the Raw Milk Institute’s Listing program.  

  • Apply extra diligence to udder preparation and stripping.  Ensuring that the teats are well-cleaned, pre-dipped, and stripped prior to milking will reduce the chance of pathogens being present. (See our Udder Prep for Raw Milk article for more information.)

  • Closely monitor the calves/kids for any signs of illness.  If the calves/kids are ever showing signs of illness (such as diarrhea, runny nose, etc.), the milk would potentially have a greater risk of pathogens.  The milk should then be either diverted and not used for direct human consumption or the calves/kids should be separated from the herd until the illness has cleared.

  • Perform regular milk culture testing of your herd for Staph aureus to make sure it is not present. Staph aureus can show up intermittently so one test does not necessarily clear the herd.

  • Have a "nurse cow" or “nurse dam” to feed the calves or kids, whose milk is not used for human consumption.  This method needs to be utilized carefully, as too many calves/kids per nurse cow/dam can result in a loss of body condition and health problems for the nurse cow/dam.

  • As they grow to a few months old, some calves/kids can be especially hard on the teats when nursing.  This can result in damage or injury to the teats. If this occurs, it is best to separate the offspring from their mothers.

It is also worth noting that calf-sharing (or kid-sharing) will reduce the amount of milk that is available to sell to customers. This can become especially problematic as the calves/kids reach 5+ months of age.

Choosing not to calf-share or kid-share is a good option for farmers who want to have the lowest risk of pathogens in their raw milk.  However, calf-sharing and kid-sharing can be done successfully when farmers acknowledge and manage the risks. The techniques listed above will reduce the likelihood of anything going wrong, for the benefit of both the customers and farmers.

A less-detailed version of this article was published in the June-July 2023 issue of Graze Magazine.


  1. Age related differences in phylogenetic diversity, prevalence of Shiga toxins, Intimin, Hemolysin genes and select serogroups of Escherichia. coli from pastured meat goats detected in a longitudinal cohort study - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7391229/ - "Overall, virulence genes and STEC [virulent e coli] were detected in isolates from goat kids in higher proportions than adult animals. Additionally, isolates with 2 or more virulence genes were significantly higher in pre-weaned and goat kids around weaning than in adult goats."

  2. Role of calf-adapted Escherichia coli in maintenance of antimicrobial drug resistance in dairy calves - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14766551/ - "The prevalence of antimicrobial drug-resistant bacteria is typically highest in younger animals, and prevalence is not necessarily related to recent use of antimicrobial drugs. In dairy cattle, we hypothesize that antimicrobial drug-resistant, neonate-adapted bacteria are responsible for the observed high frequencies of resistant Escherichia coli in calves."

  3. Antibiotic resistance and transferable antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from Swedish calves 5 and 30 days old - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1094406/ - "In comparison with the 30-day-old calves, the 5-day-old calves had significantly more strains with transferable antibiotic resistance (95.8 percent as against 63.4 percent)."

  4. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Infections in Newborn Calves: A Review -

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7130746/pdf/main.pdf - "Diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is an infectious bacterial disease of calves that occurs during the first few days of life. The Escherichia coli that cause the disease possess special attributes of virulence that allow them to colonize the small intestine and produce an enterotoxin that causes hypersecretion of fluid into the intestinal lumen. These enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli are shed into the environment by infected animals in the herd and are ingested by newborn calves soon after birth."

  5. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in range beef calves at weaning -

    https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/epidemiology-and-infection/article/prevalence-of-escherichia-coli-o157h7-in-range-beef-calves-at-weaning/EBD00C9EB16D36476F75D825C05139B0 - "This study was designed to determine the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection of beef calves at weaning, prior to arrival at the feedlot or mixing with cattle from other sources. Fifteen range cow-calf herds, which weaned calves in October and November, were sampled in Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska and South Dakota... Thirteen of the 15 herds (87%) were found to have at least one positive isolation of E. coli O157:H7 in faecal samples...This study indicates that E. coli O157:H7 infection before weaning, prior to entry into feedlots, is widespread. Furthermore, serologic evidence suggests that most calves (83%) and all herds (100%) have been exposed to E. coli O157.

  6. Diversity, Frequency, and Persistence of Escherichia coli O157 Strains from Range Cattle Environments -

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC152399/ - "The number of XbaI-PFGE subtypes, the variable frequency and persistence of subtypes, and the presence of identical subtypes in cattle feces, free-flowing water sources, and wildlife feces indicate that the complex molecular epidemiology of E. coli O157 previously described for confined cattle operations is also evident in extensively managed range cattle environments."

  7. A longitudinal study of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) prevalence in three Australian dairy herds -

    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037811359900173X?via%3Dihub -

    "In concurrence with previous studies, it appears that cattle, and in particular 1–14-week-old weanling calves, are the primary reservoir for STEC and EHEC on the dairy farm."

  8. Comparison of Diversities of Escherichia coli O157 Shed from a Cohort of Spring-Born Beef Calves at Pasture and in Housing - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1065151/ - "Overall, there was no demonstrable difference in shedding between calves when housed and at pasture. However, when shedding occurred, the rate of shedding was greater among calves in pen S (0.025 < P < 0.05) and pen N (0.05 < P ≤ 0.10) than when at pasture"

  9. Persistence of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in calves kept on pasture and in calves kept indoors during the summer months in a Swedish dairy herd -

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11407548/ - "The objective of this part of the study presented here was to examine the persistence of VTEC O157:H7 in calves that were kept on pasture and indoors, respectively, during the summer...The faecal samples from the calves kept on pasture were negative during the whole period...This suggests that calves on pasture may be less exposed to the bacteria or that they clear themselves. In the pen group, there were between one and six culture positive individuals per sampling occasion. One of the calves that was housed indoors was positive in faecal culture on four consecutive samplings." (One big limitation on this study is the very small sample size. There were only 6 calves in each group, which is a very small number so that makes this data somewhat less able to be used to draw widely-applicable conclusions.)

  10. Animal petting zoos as sources of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella and extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae -   https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33382208/ - “Animal petting zoos and farm fairs provide the opportunity for children and adults to interact with animals, but contact with animals carries a risk of exposure to zoonotic pathogens and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Salmonella, extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in animal faeces from six animal petting zoos and one farm fair in Switzerland. Furthermore, hygiene facilities on the venues were evaluated. Of 163 faecal samples, 75 contained stx1, stx2 or stx1/stx2 genes, indicating the presence of STEC. Samples included faeces from sika deer (100%), sheep (92%), goats (88%), mouflons (80%), camels (62%), llamas (50%), yaks (50%), pigs (29%) and donkeys (6%), whereas no stx genes were isolated from faeces of calves, guinea pigs, hens, ostriches, ponies, zebras or zebus. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Stourbridge (S. Stourbridge) was detected in faecal samples from camels. A total of four ESBL-producing E. coli strains were isolated from faeces of goats, camels and pigs... This study provides data that underscore the importance of hygiene measures to minimize the risk of transmission of zoonotic pathogens and MDR, ESBL-producing E. coli to visitors of animal petting venues.” 

  11. Investigations on Transfer of Pathogens between Foster Cows and Calves during the Suckling Period - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8469241/ - “The present study aimed to compare the pathogens detected in the mammary glands of the foster cow with those in the oral cavities of the associated foster calves and to evaluate the resulting consequences for udder health, calf health and internal biosecurity... Transmission of P. multocida and S. aureus probably occurred during suckling. For S. sciuri and Sc. suis, environmental origins were assumed. Transmission from dam to foster cow with the suckling calf as vector could not be clearly demonstrated.”

  12. Effects of early separation on the dairy cow and calf: 2. Separation at 1 day and 2 weeks after birth - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11179551/ - “Behavioural observations were conducted on 24 Holstein dairy cow-calf pairs during the first 24h after separation. Before separation, cow-calf pairs were generally inactive. After separation, cows from the late-separation treatment group showed higher rates of calling, movement and placing the head outside the pen, than cows in the early-separation group.”

  13. The effect of individual versus pair housing of dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period on measures of health, performance, and behavior up to 16 weeks of age - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33358809/ - Pair housing of dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period helps meet the natural social needs of the calf and has been shown to improve growth and starter intake during the preweaning period as compared with individual housing. 

Join Us for Raw Milk Training in Oregon June 17-18

On June 17-18 2022, the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) will be providing Raw Milk Risk Management training in Oregon. This training is will be done in collaboration with Cast Iron Farm (RAWMI Listed farm in Oregon).

About the Training

This 2-day intensive RAWMI training workshop will focus on the benefits of raw milk, grass-to-glass identification of risks, development of a risk management plan, and lessons learned from other raw milk dairies. It is our goal to assure that raw milk is safe and continues to be freely available for both farmers and consumers in Oregon.

The training will be hosted at Cast Iron Farm in McMinnville, Oregon. We'll be providing lots of practical tips for the production of safe raw milk. The training will include formal presentations as well as demonstrations and tours at Cast Iron Farm. This training has been shown to reduce outbreaks and illnesses, increase safety, and lower insurance costs.

Cost and Registration

The cost for this 2-day training workshop is only $35.

If the cost is a barrier, feel free to contact Christine at Cast Iron Farm to learn about potential scholarships.

You can register for the class here:


Class Schedule

Saturday June 17th

  • 9:30am - Arrival and introductions

  • 10:00am - 45 minute presentation by Oregon Department of Ag outlining the new CAFO regulations for anyone owning dairy animals.  This will include time for Q&A. If you do not feel comfortable attending a presentation given by the state agency, feel free to join us after lunch.

  • noon-1pm - Light lunch and snacks

  • 1pm-3pm - RAWMI presentation by Mark McAfee on health benefits of raw milk, safety and risks of raw milk

  • 3pm-3:20pm - Stretch break

  • 3:30pm-5pm - RAWMI presentation on raw milk risk management from grass-to-glass

Sunday June 18th

  • 9:30am - Milking demonstration and tour of Cast Iron Farm

  • 10:30am-noon - RAWMI presentation about raw milk testing and and building a successful raw milk business

  • noon-1pm - Light lunch and snacks

  • 1pm - One-on-one questions and consultations with RAWMI to answer all your questions

Sunday afternoon tours of Godspeed Hollow, another RAWMI listed farm 20 minutes from Mcmminnville, can be arranged by appointment for those interested.

VIDEO: On-Farm Raw Milk Testing with Charm Sciences Peel Plates

The Raw Milk Institute is pleased to share with you this new video for learning how to do on-farm bacterial testing of raw milk. This video was put together by Kelsey Barefoot, who is on the RAWMI Board of Directors and tests the raw milk from her own farm in an on-farm lab.

Regular bacterial testing is one of the keys to ensuring that raw milk is low-risk. On-farm testing is economical and valuable for raw milk farmers, as it allows them to test their milk more frequently and detect trouble spots before they become a bigger issue.

This new video will show you:

  • Materials needed for on-farm lab testing

  • How to perform on-farm lab testing of raw milk using Charm Sciences peel plates

  • How to interpret the results

The bacterial tests performed in an on-farm lab (coliform and Standard Plate Count) are used to provide a general indicator that milk is being produced in a way that is unlikely to lead to pathogens and pathogen growth. RAWMI Common Standards aim for a rolling three-month average of less than 5,000 cfu/mL for Standard Plate Count and less than 10 cfu/mL for coliforms.

For more information about on-farm milk testing, including materials lists and written procedures, go here:

RAWMI Annual Report for 2021-2022

The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) is on a mission to improve the safety and quality of raw milk and raw milk products through farmer training, rigorous raw milk standards, raw milk research, and improving consumer education.

In 2021, RAWMI was awarded a 3rd grant for $50k from the Regenerative Agriculture Foundation (RAF) to further our work. RAWMI matches an economic benefit of stewardship of pastures and soils to high value raw dairy products for consumers. Safe raw milk from pastured cows can sustain the farm financially while the grazing improves the soils.

With the 3rd grant from RAF, RAWMI was able to accomplish much towards the overall goal of universal access to safe raw milk. With the unique continuing challenges of 2021, RAWMI was able to carry on with making progress through the latest methods and models for training and outreach.

Over the last year, RAWMI:

  • Trained over 250 farmers, legislators, university professors, and consumers on raw milk benefits and risk management

  • Prepared and presented a 1.5 hour training course for dairy farmers who are considering the switch to raw milk, for the Massachusetts Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA-MASS)

  • Developed 17-part Raw Milk Risk Management online video training series for raw milk farmers, which has been accessed by hundreds of additional farmers

  • Worked with state and local regulators in Montana to develop a model for training raw milk farmers

  • LISTED six new farms in Virginia, California, Michigan, British Columbia Canada, North Carolina, and Arkansas, who each went through the process of developing an individualized Risk Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP) for managing the health and hygiene of their unique farms

  • Provided one-on-one mentoring in the production of low-risk raw milk to over 30 additional farms in California, Michigan, Virginia, Montana, Pennsylvania, Texas, Idaho, Vermont, Iowa, North Dakota, Washington, Oregon, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Ontario Canada, and British Columbia Canada

  • Hosted quarterly meetings for LISTED farmers, which allow the farmers to stay up-to-date on the latest lessons learned for safe raw milk

  • Performed an independent research study on pathogen growth in raw milk

  • Amassed hundreds of raw milk test data from RAWMI LISTED farms 

  • Attended and sponsored International Milk Genomics Consortium Conference

  • Worked with researchers from Spectacular Labs who are developing on-farm technology for pathogen testing

  • Worked towards legalization of interstate raw butter and increased legal access to raw milk in Iowa and Canada (with Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance)

  • Published 9 content pieces on the RAWMI website and developed new brochure on the Benefits of Raw Milk

  • Developed on-farm lab training materials and provided on-farm lab sponsorships to 5 farms

Raw Milk Training

RAWMI taught about raw milk health benefits and safety throughout the United States via web-based training. Whenever RAWMI teaches about raw milk risk management, soil and conditions management are emphasized as key elements in creating healthy, sustainable farms.

Dairy animals grazing on pastures provide a critical link to the soil biome and restorative farm practices. Pasture-based dairy farms produce healthy soils that are rehabilitated and renewed through the cycle of returning organic carbon to the soil in the form of plants biomass and manure. The resulting food that is harvested by either the animals or the farmer is rich in nutritional elements needed for human health. 

Real-Time Training Courses

Via Zoom and podcast, raw milk and organic farming training was presented to over 250 farmers, legislators, university professors, university students, and consumers in association with the following:

  • Massachusetts Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA-Mass)

  • Rutgers University

  • Here’s to Your Health podcast with Josh Lane

On-Demand Training Course

RAWMI developed a 17-part video training series on Raw Milk Risk Management. This training series is now available for FREE on both the RAWMI website and Vimeo.  This video training has been accessed by hundreds of farmers.

Raw Milk Support in Montana

In Montana, raw milk was recently legalized with no regulatory oversight with the adoption of SB199.  This seeming victory for food freedom has the potential to go awry if raw dairy farmers are not properly trained in the production of low-risk raw milk. 

After an outbreak of Campylobacter was tied to one raw dairy farm in Montana, RAWMI was contacted and became heavily involved in helping the farmer learn best practices for raw milk production, install an on-farm lab for milk bacterial testing, and build better facilities for ongoing production of safe raw milk.

RAWMI is now collaborating with state and local regulators to develop a model for training Montana raw milk farmers in the production of low-risk raw milk. In partnership with Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO), RAWMI was awarded a small grant for $5k to cover travel costs for onsite training in Montana later in 2022. This training program will help in ensuring that the legalization of raw milk in Montana is a long-term success.  

Farmer Mentoring  

RAWMI worked with individual farmers across the United States, Canada, and internationally. RAWMI provided one-on-one mentoring and troubleshooting support for low-risk raw milk production, including helping farmers optimize their raw milk production, overcome problems in their milk systems and testing, and learn more about successful business practices.  This mentorship benefited farmers in:

  • California

  • Idaho

  • Iowa

  • Michigan

  • Montana

  • North Dakota

  • Oregon

  • Pennsylvania

  • Texas

  • Vermont

  • Virginia

  • Washington

  • New Zealand

  • Czech Republic

  • British Columbia, Canada

  • Ontario, Canada


RAWMI LISTED farmers are dedicated to producing clean, safe raw milk. The RAWMI listing process involves the development of individualized Risk Assessment and Management Plans (RAMPs) for managing the health and hygiene of each unique farm. RAWMI LISTED farms submit test data monthly to show that they are in compliance with RAWMI Common Standards, which target a rolling three-month average of <5,000 standard plate count (SPC) and <10 coliforms per ml of raw milk.

In the last year, RAWMI LISTED six more farms, in Virginia, California, Michigan, British Columbia Canada, North Carolina, and Arkansas. To-date, RAWMI has LISTED 29 farms, and there are currently 22 active LISTED farms in the United States and Canada.

RAWMI provided continuing support to all LISTED farmers to enable sustained excellence in low-risk raw milk. This included quarterly meetings for LISTED farmers, which allow the farmers to stay up-to-date on the latest lessons learned for safe raw milk, exchange ideas for improvements, and collaborate with the RAWMI Board of directors.

Raw Milk Research and Science

RAWMI’s mission includes supporting raw milk research and science. Through this work, RAWMI helps raw milk become safer and more accepted by regulatory agencies.

Pathogen Growth Study

In order to generate a stronger scientific basis for assessments of risks of pathogen growth in raw milk, RAWMI commissioned a pilot study on pathogen growth performed by an independent 3rd party lab certified to perform pathogen testing, Food Safety Net Services (FSNS).  This pilot study was partially paid for through donations. 

In this pilot study, samples of well-produced raw milk were purposely inoculated at two levels with the four main pathogens of concern for raw milk: E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and Listeria monocytogenes. The objective of this pilot study was to document growth characteristics of these pathogens in carefully produced raw milk over a period of 14 days when stored at the refrigeration temperature recommended by FDA and USDA.

The most relevant finding of the study was that at moderate Inoculum Level I, no pathogen growth was observed through at least 6 days of refrigerated storage. Over the study period of 14 days, the counts per mL of E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. decreased over time. These results indicate that, when stored at the recommended refrigerator temperature, moderate to high counts of E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. did not multiply over time in raw milk. Listeria monocytogenes exhibited some growth in this study after 9 days of refrigeration at both moderate- and high-level inoculum levels.

Raw Milk Bacterial Test Data

RAWMI LISTED farmers test their milk at least monthly for coliforms and Standard Plate Count (SPC). These tests provide a way to measure the amount of bacteria present in the milk, as well as providing a measure of the overall hygiene and cleanliness of the milk. Monthly testing serves as a useful confirmation step for ensuring that raw milk is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth and is therefore low-risk.

Test data from LISTED farms is submitted to RAWMI monthly. RAWMI amassed hundreds of test data from RAWMI LISTED farms over the last year.  This data can be used for raw milk research and demonstrates that low-risk raw milk is achievable on both small-scale and large-scale raw dairy farms.

International Milk Genomics Consortium

RAWMI was a sponsor of the 18th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) and attended the virtual IMGC conference. As part of that conference, RAWMI is now engaged with international research and relationships with PhD researchers across the world. The IMGC provides access to the most leading-edge studies on milk genomics.

An abstract about the pathogen growth pilot study is being prepared for presentation at the 19th IMGC conference later in 2022.

Development of On-Farm Pathogen Testing Technology

On-farm pathogen testing for raw milk has been considered too risky due to the potential for cross-contamination and inadvertent pathogen release.  However, researchers from Spectacular Labs are developing new technology for rapid on-farm pathogen testing. RAWMI collaborated with Spectacular Labs by providing a real-world farm environment where they could test their concept.

Raw Dairy Legalization and Support

RAWMI continued to collaborate with the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) towards the legalization of raw butter. Raw butter is an exceptionally nutritious food. For instance, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is found in the butter fat membrane that covers fat globules. ALP decreases inflammation in the body; it is associated with good health and less chronic illness, such as cardiovascular disease and Type-2 diabetes. Raw milk has 4% butter fat, but raw butter contains 86% fat and thus it is very high in alkaline phosphatase.  ALP enzyme is destroyed by pasteurization. The case for legalization of raw butter is currently in Federal Appeals Court, and the next step is the US Supreme Court.

RAWMI worked towards legalization of raw milk in specific states and countries.  RAWMI provided support for lawmakers and farmers who were proposing a bill to legalize raw milk in Iowa.  Additionally, RAWMI collaborated with the Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance, who is working towards legalization of raw milk in Canada.

RAWMI also created outreach materials for educating state agriculture departments about the benefits of raw milk for dairy farmers. RAWMI mailed letters to state agriculture departments all across the USA.

Raw Dairy Educational Outreach

RAWMI created educational materials and articles for raw milk consumers and the general public. Numerous articles were published to the RAWMI website and social media, with a wide array of topics including:

  • Allergies and raw milk

  • Profiles of 6 raw milk farmers across the USA and Canada

  • “It’s Time to Go Raw” seminar for organic dairy farmers

  • Pathogen growth in raw milk

  • Importance of predictive microbiology for raw milk risk assessment

  • Breastfeeding and peanut allergies

  • Benefits of milk on osteoarthritis

  • Raw milk and protection against eczema

  • Nutritional benefits of raw milk

  • How and why to make milk kefir

  • Dairy foods and fall prevention in older adults

  • Benefits of pasture-based farming

On-Farm Lab Training and Sponsorships

Frequent bacterial testing of raw milk is one of the pillars of producing low-risk raw milk. However, milk testing costs can be an ongoing financial burden which make small-scale farmers hesitant to test their milk often. On-farm testing is a great solution to this dilemma.

On-farm lab testing is a powerful tool for raw milk farmers.  It allows for frequent testing, so farmers can better identify issues before they turn into big problems, and it also helps immeasurably with troubleshooting when needed.  On-farm labs require an initial investment of $800-$1,000, but once the lab is in-place the cost per test is only $1-$3. With RAWMI’s sponsorship, five additional farms were able to build their own on-farm labs for testing coliforms and Standard Plate Count.

RAWMI also created educational materials about on-farm labs, including materials lists, how-to guides, and methods for using different brands of testing media.

On-Farm Lab Testing for Raw Milk Farmers

On-farm labs are a valuable and economical tool for raw dairy farmers

The three pillars of the Raw Milk Institute’s (RAWMI) Method for safe, low-risk raw milk are 1) farmer mentoring, 2) risk management plan for each farm, and 3) regular bacterial testing of raw milk.  This method works well and has been documented to lead to a significant reduction in raw milk-related illnesses and outbreaks. Researchers who have studied the safety of raw milk produced with the RAWMI Method have concluded that “raw milk can be produced with a high level of hygiene and safety.”

RAWMI’s farmer mentoring program and assistance in developing an individualized risk management plan are free for all farmers. However, milk testing costs can be an ongoing financial burden which make small-scale farmers hesitant to test their milk often. But there is a great solution to this: on-farm testing!

What is an On-Farm Lab?

Pioneered by Edwin Shank from The Family Cow dairy in Pennsylvania, on-farm labs are a tremendous resource for dairy farmers. On-farm labs can be set-up on the countertop in a small, clean workspace. Once the lab area is ready, farmers can easily test their milk for coliforms and Standard Plate Count with the use of a small incubator. 

Set-up costs for on-farm labs are in the range of $800-$1,000.  RAWMI is currently offering grants of up to $500 to offset lab costs for farmers who are Listed or going through our Listing program. After the initial set-up costs, raw milk testing costs are only $1-$3 for each test performed in the on-farm lab.

Benefits of On-Farm Labs

On-farm labs have numerous benefits for raw milk farmers. As Mark McAfee says, “What gets measured gets done.”  Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to raw milk. Testing allows farmers to dependably produce low-risk raw milk with confidence.

With on-farm labs:

  • Farmers can test their milk for coliforms and Standard Plate Count.

  • Ongoing testing costs are only $1-$3 per test.

  • Farmers can inexpensively test their milk as often as desired, so they can identify patterns in their bacterial counts which help in identifying trouble spots ahead of time.

  • The effects of new equipment or procedures on bacterial levels can be evaluated.

  • Farmers can test more often as needed for troubleshooting high bacteria counts.

  • Annual water tests can also be performed.

The bacterial tests performed in an on-farm lab (coliform and Standard Plate Count) are used to provide a general indicator that the milk is being produced in a way that is unlikely to lead to pathogens and pathogen growth.  The RAWMI Common Standards aim for a rolling three-month average of <5,000 cfu/mL for SPC and <10 cfu/mL for coliforms.

NOTE: RAWMI does not recommend on-farm testing for specific pathogens (such as e coli 0157:H7, salmonella, listeria mono, etc), due to potential hazards from accidental release of pathogens on the farm.

Two Different Systems for On-Farm Testing

There are currently two different systems for performing on-farm testing, developed by 3M (now owned by Neogen) and Charm Sciences.  Both of these systems work well for on-farm raw milk testing, and the basic lab equipment (incubator, lightbox, magnifier, etc) are the same with either system.

Neogen’s testing system uses petri-films and provides results in 24 hours.  Unopened packages of Neogen petrifilms are stored in the refrigerator or freezer for up to 18 months, with opened packages being stored at room temperature for up to one month.

Charm Sciences testing system uses peel-plates and provides results in 24-48 hours.  The peel plates can be stored at room temperature for up to 12 months. Testing costs are currently a bit lower with Charm Sciences peel-plates than with Neogen petrifilms. 


How to Do On-Farm Bacterial Testing for Raw Milk

Here are several free resources for farmers who are interested in doing on-farm milk testing.

RAWMI VIDEO: How to Test Raw Milk with Charm Sciences Peel Plates

Charm Sciences Peel Plate User Guide from The Barefoot Cow Dairy

5-page materials list and procedures for performing on-farm testing with Charm Sciences peel plates

On-Farm Lab Testing: A Guide to Raw Milk Bacteria Testing from Six S Dairy

Comprehensive 20-page guide to on-farm testing with Neogen (3M) Petri-Films, including materials list, procedures, results interpretation, and tips for success

Raw Milk Lab Materials List from The Family Cow Dairy

Short 1-page list of materials required for performing on-farm testing with Neogen (3M) Petri-Films

Raw Milk Lab Procedures from The Family Cow Dairy

Short 2-page list of procedures for on-farm lab testing with Neogen (3M) Petri-Films