Latest Research and Updates — Raw Milk Institute

Raw Milk and Health

Raw Milk Reduces Respiratory Infections and Fevers

respiratory infections and raw milk

A study of 983 European infants looked at consumption of raw milk, pasteurized milk, and ultra-high temperature pasteurized milk alongside occurrence of respiratory tract infections, rhinitis (runny nose), otitis (ear infections), and fever. This study was published in January 2015 in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology [1].

Every week from age 8 weeks to 53 weeks, the infants’ health outcomes and dairy consumption were tracked. “The main finding of this analysis was an inverse association between consumption of unprocessed [raw] cow's milk and rhinitis, RTI [respiratory tract infection], and otitis.” There was also an inverse association between raw milk and fevers.

In layman’s terms, an “inverse association” means that as one increases, the other decreases. This study thus found that, as raw milk consumption increased, the incidence of runny nose, respiratory tract infections, fevers, and ear infections decreased. The researchers concluded that, “The protective effects of raw cow's milk on infections were comparable to those of breast-feeding, suggesting similar anti-infective properties of bovine and human milk.”

raw milk respiratory infections.png

Additionally, C-reactive proteins were measured in the infants at 12 months old. C-reactive proteins are a measure of inflammation in the body. The study found that “raw farm milk consumption was inversely associated with C-reactive protein levels at 12 months.” The researchers concluded that consumption of raw milk led to a “sustained anti-inflammatory effect” in the body.

It is clear from this research that raw milk consumption is correlated with improved resistance to respiratory tract infections, ear infections, fevers, and overall inflammation.


[1] Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2015; 135 (1): 56-62. Loss G, Depner M, Ulfman LH, Joost van Neerven RJ, Hose AJ, Genuneit J, Karvonen M, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Pekkanen J, Vaarala O, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ; PASTURE study group.

New Raw Milk Research From the 2023 IMGC Symposium

A Farmer’s Takeaways from the 2023 Symposium of the International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC)

“If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”


Well…I was in the right room at IMGC with a huge opportunity to learn and grow. Just like all prior years.

The 20th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) Symposium was held on September 6-8 2023. This was the 12th year that I have attended the IMGC Symposium. For the last several years, the Raw Milk Institute has been an official Bronze Level Sponsor of the conference. These conferences have taken me all over the world, including Cork Ireland, Quebec Canada, Aarhus Demark (twice), Sydney Australia, and UC Davis in California several times. I am nearly always the only farmer in the room filled with dairy processing scientists, PhD students, dairy science professors and university professors, and other milk researchers.

Over 12 years, I have made some great friends and created some important collaborations and alliances. I am approached by PhDs, especially after I speak at the microphone after a particularly engaging presentation that begs questions. They say things like, “Keep on asking those great questions!”  I am the only one that can ask those questions because everyone else would potentially lose their NIH or industry grants if they dared to asked those kinds of questions.

Time and interest are ushering in a new generation of open-minded PhD researchers, many of whom are women. They all want to talk about raw milk and its bioactive elements. Raw milk is truly a miracle of nature.  Being an event sponsor has allowed greater access to insider information about all things milk.  Below are my main takeaways from three intensive days of meetings, interactions, meals and dinner parties, and presentations in Cork Ireland at the University of Cork.

Raw Milk Institute was a Bronze Level Sponsor of the 2023 IMGC Symposium

Raw Milk Nourishes, Protects, and Directs

Raw milk is incredibly complex and perfectly designed to nourish, protect, and direct. We all know that raw milk is designed as the first food of life for babies to thrive and grow, yet as researchers continue to study raw milk, they discover many more benefits.

For instance, raw milk serves as a delivery system for immune-bioactive proteins. Peptides (which are chains of amino acid proteins) are protective of the baby by not allowing pathogens to cause illness. These functional proteins serve many roles, including protection of the baby.

Other specialized-proteins in breastmilk include natural mRNA, which provide the genetic information to direct cellular metabolic processes in the baby.  Breastmilk also contains stem cells for repair of damaged cells or tissues.

Raw milk also contains everything needed for its digestion. Raw milk has proteases, peptidases (for digesting proteins), lipases (for digesting fats), and bacteria that make lactase (for digesting lactose).

Additionally, when people drink milk, over time there are changes in the composition of the gut bacteria that make milk digestion easier. Lactase-producing bacteria found in the gut become the probiotic and as they feed on lactose, that becomes their selected prebiotic (food that bacteria chose to digest or eat). Over time the populations of these lactose-loving probiotic bacteria increase when they are fed lactose from dairy products.

The various milk proteins, immunoglobins, enzymes, fats and sugars are “qualitatively similar” between human breastmilk and cow milk. However, they are “quantitatively different” and appear at different levels and amounts in cow milk versus human milk. The same would be true for other bovine milks. The similarities are why humans can drink raw milk from cows, goats, and other animals. 

Milk’s Benefits Can’t Be Extracted

Many raw milk researchers are focused on finding ways to extract beneficial elements from raw milk. However, these elements are designed to work together with the full complement of many different macro- and micro- nutrients, enzymes, probiotics, etc in whole raw milk.

New products made with bio-actives extracted from raw milk will likely be met with suspicion, as well they should. The health benefits from whole, raw milk are the result of a complex interplay of bio-actives. Outside of the whole food matrix, those bio-actives are incomplete and not as effective as in their natural state.

Milk Fat is Essential to Its Beneficial Properties

Butterfat in milk is an essential part of milk’s overall beneficial properties. This fat is known to benefit brain development, immune system development, intestinal development, and the composition of the gut microbiota.

Butter fat globules are three-layer thick capsules that come in different sizes. The three-layered capsules are used by the gut as fiber; they also provide butyrate and butyric acids which are highly beneficial and healing to the lower gut. 60% of the bioactive elements found in raw milk are “carried on or inside” the fat globule. This says so much about skim milk, which has lost much of its beneficial value with the removal of the fat.

Researchers discovered that the fat globules in the milk are smaller in cows fed a high energy diet with high stress levels, such as cows being kept in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). The smaller fat globules in the milk do not contain bacteria inside that could ride through the stomach to the lower gut.

In contrast, the fat globules are larger in cows fed a low energy diet and under low stress levels (such as cows in pasture-based operations).  These larger fat globules carry bacteria inside of them. It is thought that the fat cell may act as a protective carrier vessel to carry bacteria though the stomach acid environment into the lower gut where they may be beneficial.

Pasteurization Damages and Denatures Milk

Pasteurization damages milk such that it becomes oxidated, highly allergenic, and hard to digest. It is a common protocol to pasteurize milk up to 3 or 4 times to achieve longer shelf life and assure that the milk is completely dead, with no regard for the essential and beneficial bio-actives that are destroyed in the process. 

Raw milk contains everything it needs to digest itself. Raw milk contains enzymes and bacteria that help create more enzymes to digest raw milk and all the sub elements. Milk maldigestion has been over simplified. It is not just lactose; it is the proteins and fats that also need help with digestion.

After pasteurization the bioactive elements needed for milk to digest itself are missing! Fats, proteins, and sugars all need digesting, but their enzymes and digestive bacteria are denatured or dead.  Without active enzymes, digestion of fat (via lipase) and proteins (via protease) is inhibited. This results in maldigestion in some consumers. 

Whereas raw milk helps to build immune system strength, pasteurized milk does not build up the immune system. Heat denatures the functional proteins and does not allow cellular direction. This can result in cellular confusion and chaos.

Raw whey proteins are highly anti-inflammatory and have many health benefits. The raw whey health benefit findings are consistent with other researchers in the Netherlands, including Dr. Ton Baars’ research on whey proteins showing that they stabilize MAST cells, control histamine release, and reduce allergies.

However, all whey is required to be pasteurized in the USA as per the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. Whey proteins are destroyed by processing and are highly sensitive to heat. One researcher has been frustrated in trying to extract the beneficial components from pasteurized whey. The heating of whey makes the components “sticky” such that they plug up the ultrafiltration micropores. Therefore, ultra filtration cannot be used to extract whey components from pasteurized whey.

New Pasteurization Technologies Cause Less Damage Than Traditional Heat Pasteurization

As an alternative to heat-based pasteurization, researchers are studying other methods such as high pressure (HPP), ultrafiltration, and ultraviolet (UV) light. These methods are effective at inactivating bacteria and less harmful to milk than heat-based pasteurization. For instance, both high pressure processing and ultraviolet processing preserve some of the bioactive milk proteins better than heat-based pasteurization.

Nonetheless, milk processors in the USA are resisting the use of these new technologies. In some other countries, UV and HPP are being successfully used, but in the USA the FDA continues to represent processors’ interests and thereby block the ability to innovate with these alternatives to heat processing. This failure to innovate with HPP, UV or Ultrafiltration is creating a loss of consumer interest in pasteurized milk as people continue to suffer from maldigestion when consuming pasteurized milk.

In Studies, 20,000+ Kids Drank Raw Milk With NO Milk-Related Illnesses

The pioneering PARSIFAL and GABRIELA studies of more than 55,000 kids in Europe really set the international high bar for studies on raw milk. The overall findings included reduced rates of asthma, eczema, respiratory illnesses, fevers, allergies, and ear infections in children who drank raw milk.

At the symposium, it was emphasized that during all of those studies and over twenty years of research, there was never a “red flag event.” A red flag event would be a reported illness from raw milk consumption. The studies included data from more than 20,000 children who drank raw milk, and there was not a single red flag event!

Yet, at the end of each of the peer reviewed and journal published articles, there is a disclaimer that says something such as, “even though there are health benefits to consuming raw milk, the researchers can not recommend raw milk because of the risks of raw milk consumption.” This disclaimer was included because peer review and journal publication political pressures demanded it, despite the fact that there was no basis in the research data.

Dr. Markus Ege MD and Mark McAfee, in Cork Ireland at the IMGC symposium 2023

Raw Milk Provides Sustainability for Farmers and Superb Nutrition for Consumers

Farmers have been denied fair markets for their dairy products for more than a century. All of the value-added efforts are happening after products leave the farm. Milk processors continue to ensure that farmers are paid low prices for their milk, resulting in the loss of thousands of family farms. However, raw milk provides a pathway to sustainability and life satisfaction for dairy farmers.

Raw milk presents a unique farmstead product that brings all the added value back to the farmer with an incentive to work on quality. By selling directly to consumers, raw milk farmers are able to obtain greater financial rewards for their work, while consumers benefit from the improved flavor and nutrition. It’s a win-win for farmers and consumers!

Raw milk that is carefully and intentionally produced for direct human consumption is a low-risk food. This type of raw milk is wholly different from raw milk being produced in unhygienic conditions. Raw milk intended for direct human consumption is produced in sanitary conditions, with much care to ensure that the animals are healthy and that the milk is clean. This type of raw milk is tested often and held to rigorous standards to ensure that it is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth.

By combining nature’s blueprints, the bio-actives found in whole raw milk, standards for good production practices and modern testing systems, RAWMI Listed farmers are nourishing consumers safely. Congrats to all of the RAWMI Listed pioneers! 

Join Us for Raw Milk Training in Oregon June 17-18

On June 17-18 2022, the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) will be providing Raw Milk Risk Management training in Oregon. This training is will be done in collaboration with Cast Iron Farm (RAWMI Listed farm in Oregon).

About the Training

This 2-day intensive RAWMI training workshop will focus on the benefits of raw milk, grass-to-glass identification of risks, development of a risk management plan, and lessons learned from other raw milk dairies. It is our goal to assure that raw milk is safe and continues to be freely available for both farmers and consumers in Oregon.

The training will be hosted at Cast Iron Farm in McMinnville, Oregon. We'll be providing lots of practical tips for the production of safe raw milk. The training will include formal presentations as well as demonstrations and tours at Cast Iron Farm. This training has been shown to reduce outbreaks and illnesses, increase safety, and lower insurance costs.

Cost and Registration

The cost for this 2-day training workshop is only $35.

If the cost is a barrier, feel free to contact Christine at Cast Iron Farm to learn about potential scholarships.

You can register for the class here:

Class Schedule

Saturday June 17th

  • 9:30am - Arrival and introductions

  • 10:00am - 45 minute presentation by Oregon Department of Ag outlining the new CAFO regulations for anyone owning dairy animals.  This will include time for Q&A. If you do not feel comfortable attending a presentation given by the state agency, feel free to join us after lunch.

  • noon-1pm - Light lunch and snacks

  • 1pm-3pm - RAWMI presentation by Mark McAfee on health benefits of raw milk, safety and risks of raw milk

  • 3pm-3:20pm - Stretch break

  • 3:30pm-5pm - RAWMI presentation on raw milk risk management from grass-to-glass

Sunday June 18th

  • 9:30am - Milking demonstration and tour of Cast Iron Farm

  • 10:30am-noon - RAWMI presentation about raw milk testing and and building a successful raw milk business

  • noon-1pm - Light lunch and snacks

  • 1pm - One-on-one questions and consultations with RAWMI to answer all your questions

Sunday afternoon tours of Godspeed Hollow, another RAWMI listed farm 20 minutes from Mcmminnville, can be arranged by appointment for those interested.

RAWMI Annual Report for 2021-2022

The Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) is on a mission to improve the safety and quality of raw milk and raw milk products through farmer training, rigorous raw milk standards, raw milk research, and improving consumer education.

In 2021, RAWMI was awarded a 3rd grant for $50k from the Regenerative Agriculture Foundation (RAF) to further our work. RAWMI matches an economic benefit of stewardship of pastures and soils to high value raw dairy products for consumers. Safe raw milk from pastured cows can sustain the farm financially while the grazing improves the soils.

With the 3rd grant from RAF, RAWMI was able to accomplish much towards the overall goal of universal access to safe raw milk. With the unique continuing challenges of 2021, RAWMI was able to carry on with making progress through the latest methods and models for training and outreach.

Over the last year, RAWMI:

  • Trained over 250 farmers, legislators, university professors, and consumers on raw milk benefits and risk management

  • Prepared and presented a 1.5 hour training course for dairy farmers who are considering the switch to raw milk, for the Massachusetts Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA-MASS)

  • Developed 17-part Raw Milk Risk Management online video training series for raw milk farmers, which has been accessed by hundreds of additional farmers

  • Worked with state and local regulators in Montana to develop a model for training raw milk farmers

  • LISTED six new farms in Virginia, California, Michigan, British Columbia Canada, North Carolina, and Arkansas, who each went through the process of developing an individualized Risk Assessment and Management Plan (RAMP) for managing the health and hygiene of their unique farms

  • Provided one-on-one mentoring in the production of low-risk raw milk to over 30 additional farms in California, Michigan, Virginia, Montana, Pennsylvania, Texas, Idaho, Vermont, Iowa, North Dakota, Washington, Oregon, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Ontario Canada, and British Columbia Canada

  • Hosted quarterly meetings for LISTED farmers, which allow the farmers to stay up-to-date on the latest lessons learned for safe raw milk

  • Performed an independent research study on pathogen growth in raw milk

  • Amassed hundreds of raw milk test data from RAWMI LISTED farms 

  • Attended and sponsored International Milk Genomics Consortium Conference

  • Worked with researchers from Spectacular Labs who are developing on-farm technology for pathogen testing

  • Worked towards legalization of interstate raw butter and increased legal access to raw milk in Iowa and Canada (with Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance)

  • Published 9 content pieces on the RAWMI website and developed new brochure on the Benefits of Raw Milk

  • Developed on-farm lab training materials and provided on-farm lab sponsorships to 5 farms

Raw Milk Training

RAWMI taught about raw milk health benefits and safety throughout the United States via web-based training. Whenever RAWMI teaches about raw milk risk management, soil and conditions management are emphasized as key elements in creating healthy, sustainable farms.

Dairy animals grazing on pastures provide a critical link to the soil biome and restorative farm practices. Pasture-based dairy farms produce healthy soils that are rehabilitated and renewed through the cycle of returning organic carbon to the soil in the form of plants biomass and manure. The resulting food that is harvested by either the animals or the farmer is rich in nutritional elements needed for human health. 

Real-Time Training Courses

Via Zoom and podcast, raw milk and organic farming training was presented to over 250 farmers, legislators, university professors, university students, and consumers in association with the following:

  • Massachusetts Northeast Organic Farmers Association (NOFA-Mass)

  • Rutgers University

  • Here’s to Your Health podcast with Josh Lane

On-Demand Training Course

RAWMI developed a 17-part video training series on Raw Milk Risk Management. This training series is now available for FREE on both the RAWMI website and Vimeo.  This video training has been accessed by hundreds of farmers.

Raw Milk Support in Montana

In Montana, raw milk was recently legalized with no regulatory oversight with the adoption of SB199.  This seeming victory for food freedom has the potential to go awry if raw dairy farmers are not properly trained in the production of low-risk raw milk. 

After an outbreak of Campylobacter was tied to one raw dairy farm in Montana, RAWMI was contacted and became heavily involved in helping the farmer learn best practices for raw milk production, install an on-farm lab for milk bacterial testing, and build better facilities for ongoing production of safe raw milk.

RAWMI is now collaborating with state and local regulators to develop a model for training Montana raw milk farmers in the production of low-risk raw milk. In partnership with Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO), RAWMI was awarded a small grant for $5k to cover travel costs for onsite training in Montana later in 2022. This training program will help in ensuring that the legalization of raw milk in Montana is a long-term success.  

Farmer Mentoring  

RAWMI worked with individual farmers across the United States, Canada, and internationally. RAWMI provided one-on-one mentoring and troubleshooting support for low-risk raw milk production, including helping farmers optimize their raw milk production, overcome problems in their milk systems and testing, and learn more about successful business practices.  This mentorship benefited farmers in:

  • California

  • Idaho

  • Iowa

  • Michigan

  • Montana

  • North Dakota

  • Oregon

  • Pennsylvania

  • Texas

  • Vermont

  • Virginia

  • Washington

  • New Zealand

  • Czech Republic

  • British Columbia, Canada

  • Ontario, Canada


RAWMI LISTED farmers are dedicated to producing clean, safe raw milk. The RAWMI listing process involves the development of individualized Risk Assessment and Management Plans (RAMPs) for managing the health and hygiene of each unique farm. RAWMI LISTED farms submit test data monthly to show that they are in compliance with RAWMI Common Standards, which target a rolling three-month average of <5,000 standard plate count (SPC) and <10 coliforms per ml of raw milk.

In the last year, RAWMI LISTED six more farms, in Virginia, California, Michigan, British Columbia Canada, North Carolina, and Arkansas. To-date, RAWMI has LISTED 29 farms, and there are currently 22 active LISTED farms in the United States and Canada.

RAWMI provided continuing support to all LISTED farmers to enable sustained excellence in low-risk raw milk. This included quarterly meetings for LISTED farmers, which allow the farmers to stay up-to-date on the latest lessons learned for safe raw milk, exchange ideas for improvements, and collaborate with the RAWMI Board of directors.

Raw Milk Research and Science

RAWMI’s mission includes supporting raw milk research and science. Through this work, RAWMI helps raw milk become safer and more accepted by regulatory agencies.

Pathogen Growth Study

In order to generate a stronger scientific basis for assessments of risks of pathogen growth in raw milk, RAWMI commissioned a pilot study on pathogen growth performed by an independent 3rd party lab certified to perform pathogen testing, Food Safety Net Services (FSNS).  This pilot study was partially paid for through donations. 

In this pilot study, samples of well-produced raw milk were purposely inoculated at two levels with the four main pathogens of concern for raw milk: E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., and Listeria monocytogenes. The objective of this pilot study was to document growth characteristics of these pathogens in carefully produced raw milk over a period of 14 days when stored at the refrigeration temperature recommended by FDA and USDA.

The most relevant finding of the study was that at moderate Inoculum Level I, no pathogen growth was observed through at least 6 days of refrigerated storage. Over the study period of 14 days, the counts per mL of E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. decreased over time. These results indicate that, when stored at the recommended refrigerator temperature, moderate to high counts of E coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Campylobacter spp. did not multiply over time in raw milk. Listeria monocytogenes exhibited some growth in this study after 9 days of refrigeration at both moderate- and high-level inoculum levels.

Raw Milk Bacterial Test Data

RAWMI LISTED farmers test their milk at least monthly for coliforms and Standard Plate Count (SPC). These tests provide a way to measure the amount of bacteria present in the milk, as well as providing a measure of the overall hygiene and cleanliness of the milk. Monthly testing serves as a useful confirmation step for ensuring that raw milk is being produced in a way that discourages pathogen growth and is therefore low-risk.

Test data from LISTED farms is submitted to RAWMI monthly. RAWMI amassed hundreds of test data from RAWMI LISTED farms over the last year.  This data can be used for raw milk research and demonstrates that low-risk raw milk is achievable on both small-scale and large-scale raw dairy farms.

International Milk Genomics Consortium

RAWMI was a sponsor of the 18th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) and attended the virtual IMGC conference. As part of that conference, RAWMI is now engaged with international research and relationships with PhD researchers across the world. The IMGC provides access to the most leading-edge studies on milk genomics.

An abstract about the pathogen growth pilot study is being prepared for presentation at the 19th IMGC conference later in 2022.

Development of On-Farm Pathogen Testing Technology

On-farm pathogen testing for raw milk has been considered too risky due to the potential for cross-contamination and inadvertent pathogen release.  However, researchers from Spectacular Labs are developing new technology for rapid on-farm pathogen testing. RAWMI collaborated with Spectacular Labs by providing a real-world farm environment where they could test their concept.

Raw Dairy Legalization and Support

RAWMI continued to collaborate with the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) towards the legalization of raw butter. Raw butter is an exceptionally nutritious food. For instance, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is found in the butter fat membrane that covers fat globules. ALP decreases inflammation in the body; it is associated with good health and less chronic illness, such as cardiovascular disease and Type-2 diabetes. Raw milk has 4% butter fat, but raw butter contains 86% fat and thus it is very high in alkaline phosphatase.  ALP enzyme is destroyed by pasteurization. The case for legalization of raw butter is currently in Federal Appeals Court, and the next step is the US Supreme Court.

RAWMI worked towards legalization of raw milk in specific states and countries.  RAWMI provided support for lawmakers and farmers who were proposing a bill to legalize raw milk in Iowa.  Additionally, RAWMI collaborated with the Canadian Artisan Dairy Alliance, who is working towards legalization of raw milk in Canada.

RAWMI also created outreach materials for educating state agriculture departments about the benefits of raw milk for dairy farmers. RAWMI mailed letters to state agriculture departments all across the USA.

Raw Dairy Educational Outreach

RAWMI created educational materials and articles for raw milk consumers and the general public. Numerous articles were published to the RAWMI website and social media, with a wide array of topics including:

  • Allergies and raw milk

  • Profiles of 6 raw milk farmers across the USA and Canada

  • “It’s Time to Go Raw” seminar for organic dairy farmers

  • Pathogen growth in raw milk

  • Importance of predictive microbiology for raw milk risk assessment

  • Breastfeeding and peanut allergies

  • Benefits of milk on osteoarthritis

  • Raw milk and protection against eczema

  • Nutritional benefits of raw milk

  • How and why to make milk kefir

  • Dairy foods and fall prevention in older adults

  • Benefits of pasture-based farming

On-Farm Lab Training and Sponsorships

Frequent bacterial testing of raw milk is one of the pillars of producing low-risk raw milk. However, milk testing costs can be an ongoing financial burden which make small-scale farmers hesitant to test their milk often. On-farm testing is a great solution to this dilemma.

On-farm lab testing is a powerful tool for raw milk farmers.  It allows for frequent testing, so farmers can better identify issues before they turn into big problems, and it also helps immeasurably with troubleshooting when needed.  On-farm labs require an initial investment of $800-$1,000, but once the lab is in-place the cost per test is only $1-$3. With RAWMI’s sponsorship, five additional farms were able to build their own on-farm labs for testing coliforms and Standard Plate Count.

RAWMI also created educational materials about on-farm labs, including materials lists, how-to guides, and methods for using different brands of testing media.

Why is Predictive Microbiology Crucial to Raw Milk Risk Assessment?

Earlier this month, readers of the feature article written by Sarah Smith, my colleague at the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI), learned about pathogen growth in raw milk. RAWMI contracted with an independent laboratory to conduct a pilot study with an experimental design based on published studies on Predictive Microbiology, the science supporting models of the growth and survival of microbes under different experimental conditions. This article provides readers with more information about what Predictive Microbiology is and why it is important to dairy farmers and raw milk consumers in the 21st century.

Why is Predictive Microbiology important to dairy farmers and raw milk consumers?

Awareness of Predictive Microbiology is important because pathogen growth is modeled in the Exposure Assessment portion of Microbial Risk Assessments (MRAs; FDA/FSIS, 2003; FSANZ, 2009), and the models selected often intentionally overestimate pathogen growth by design, as ‘fail-safe’ models (Tamplin et al., 2002; Coleman et al., 2003a,b; Ross et al., 2003; Coleman, 2021). In other words, regulators rely on predictive microbiology models in estimating the level of risk, and the models that have been available thus far typically intentionally overestimate the risk of pathogen growth. 

The advantage for risk managers and regulators in selecting policies based on ‘fail-safe’ models that overestimate growth is the appearance of minimizing public health breaches or ‘failures’ (e.g., illnesses or outbreaks) if anything goes wrong along the food safety chain from production to consumption. The disadvantage for dairy farmers and raw milk consumers is that the growth models applied for raw milk MRAs are wrong, based on intentionally biased experiments that overestimate actual pathogen growth in raw foods and thus overestimate risk of illness to consumers.

For a quick overview of MRA, see the text box and figure in the forthcoming May 2022 article entitled Raw Milk Risks from a Microbiologist’s Perspective that I prepared for Weston A. Price Foundation’s Wise Traditions journal.

Science of Predictive Microbiology

Microbiologists including those at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Wyndmoor, PA, began designing ‘factorial’ experiments for modeling pathogen growth in the 1990s, selecting rich nutrient culture broths amenable to testing a wide variety of levels of different ‘factors’ that influence microbial growth. The study designs were inexpensive and accurate, compared to more expensive and more complex analysis for different foods. The data from these experiments are generally well validated experimentally: that is, for growth in pure culture broths.

Such data formed the basis of free online tools for predicting growth, including the USDA’s Pathogen Modeling Program (PMP). The experiments were designed to include multiple levels of different factors including pH and salt or water activity that are similar to levels that can be measured in foods. The advantages of such tools based on broth culture experiments for government and academic risk assessors are that they might extrapolate the broth culture growth models to foods with similar levels of factors measured, and assume the models are still accurate. This could be beneficial because conducting pathogen growth studies in foods under diverse conditions of temperature and storage is expensive and time consuming.

Screenshot from USDA PMP

Now, with access to PMP, the risk assessor can select the inputs from those tested in multiple factor broth culture experiments from the sliders illustrated in the screen shot from PMP on the left. I illustrated a growth scenario with an appropriate refrigeration temperature (5°C or 41°F, from a range of 5-42°C or 41-107.6°F) and a pH (6.5, from a range of 4.5-8.5) relevant to raw milk.

The first problem for dairy farmers and raw milk consumers is that models based on optimal growth of pathogens in pure cultures described by rich broth culture models overestimate actual pathogen growth in raw milk. As early as 1997, university researchers published experimental results reporting that the rate of growth of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7 was significantly slower in raw milk than pasteurized (Wang et al., 1997). The authors noted that the difference in growth rates was likely due to the natural microbes in raw milk that outcompete pathogens and limit their growth in raw, not pasteurized, milk.

Another problem for farmers and consumers is that the broth culture study designs are typically biased by inclusion of only high initial pathogen levels (> 3 log10 colony forming units (CFU) per mL or >1,000 CFU/mL, from a range of 3 to 5.9 log10 CFU/mL).  Even in rich culture broth, growth rates are lower at low inoculum levels (~1 CFU/mL; Coleman et al., 2003). Biased growth models (based on rich nutrient broth, high initial inoculum, and/or absence of natural milk microbiota) result in biased MRAs that overestimate raw milk risks.

You may not be surprised to learn that some microbial risk assessment teams, including the Food Standards Australia New Zealand team (FSANZ, 2009), selected rich culture broth studies (Salter et al., 1998; Ross et al., 2003) that measured growth of harmless or commensal E. coli strains that are part of our healthy gut microbiota, not even pathogenic strains like O157:H7 that can cause illness and grow at slower rates. FSANZ excluded an available study on growth of the pathogen E. coli O157:H7 itself in raw and pasteurized milk reported by Wang and esteemed food scientist Mike Doyle at the University of Georgia (Wang et al., 1997).

Why do you think the FSANZ team decided not to cite Mike Doyle’s study, a study they should have known about? Likely because it measured lower pathogen growth rates in raw milk than in pasteurized milk (and broth). Thus, it seems that FSANZ likely excluded the study because the results did not support their notion that raw milk is inherently dangerous, and more dangerous than pasteurized milk. A short plain language summary prepared by the Australian Raw Milk Movement (ARMM) and the full 73-page technical report that I prepared for them (Coleman, 2021) are both available on the ARMM website. See the technical report for the more detailed section on pathogen growth and microbial ecology (pp. 30-40 of the 73-page report).

Why is Inoculum Level Important to Predict Growth in Raw Milk?

Well-produced raw milk has relatively low levels of coliform and aerobic bacteria. Farmers who follow RAWMI’s Common Standards for raw milk aim for coliform counts of <10 CFU/mL and Standard Plate Counts of <5,000 CFU/mL. However, don’t let these low coliform counts or low Standard Plate Counts in raw milk fool you.

Raw mammalian milks are complex ecosystems with dense and diverse microbes that benefit health. The natural microbes in raw milks have different requirements for culturing them, so studies that rely on specific culture media for assessing what microbes are present in raw milk are biased. The development of genomic methods that estimate presence of microbial genes or gene products in raw milks without culturing are more reliable for describing the raw milk microbes or microbiota (Oikonomou et al, 2020). Such studies are transforming our understanding of the microbiota of many natural systems in the recent decade, including raw mammalian milks.

The dense and diverse microbiota predominant in raw milk from healthy mammals is illustrated in the figure below by Oikonomou and colleagues (2020; authors’ Figure 2, pg. 4 of 15). The bacteria listed in red text were identified in the milk microbiota from all five types of mammals, bacteria in yellow from 3 or more mammals, and bacteria in blue in less than three mammals. None of these bacteria were identified as pathogens, but rather are natural microbes that appear to benefit human and animal offspring (and adult humans) by ‘seeding and feeding’ the gut. In other words, raw milk ‘seeds’ the gut with beneficial microbes and ‘feeds’ gut and microbial cells with nutrients. The raw milk microbiota also stimulates proper maturation and function of immune, neural, and respiratory systems (Coleman et al., 2021a,b; Dietert et al., 2022).

Oikonomou, et al., “Milk microbiota: what are we exactly talking about?Frontiers in Microbiology

Predominant beneficial microbes including Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, and certain lactic acid bacteria or LABs (including not just the familiar Lactobacillus, but also 11 other microbes: Lactococcus, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Carnobacterium, Vagococcus, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, Pediococcus, Tetragonococcus, Aerococcus and Weissella) are known to outcompete specific pathogens at refrigeration temperatures (Coleman et al., 2003a; Reuben et al., 2020).

A recent study in the Journal of Dairy Science (Reuben et al., 2020) illustrates the importance of incorporating data on the microbiota and microbial ecology of raw milks into Predictive Microbiology models and MRAs.  The authors demonstrated not merely suppression of growth of all pathogens tested (E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes, and Salmonella) by LAB strains isolated from raw cow milk, but also ‘competitive exclusion’ of these pathogens inoculated at both 103 and 106 log10 CFU/mL. Clearly, the natural milk microbiota influences growth of pathogens.

In summary, the raw milk ecosystem differs greatly from sterile nutrient broth. If an MRA relies on pathogen growth models based on broth cultures, be skeptical of its value for predicting pathogen growth in raw milk. Pathogen growth rates in raw milk are likely lower due to suppression or exclusion of pathogens by the natural raw milk microbiota and compounds produced by these beneficial microbes.

How do Microbes in Raw Milk Outcompete and Exclude Pathogens?

The peer-reviewed literature is expanding as researchers document the mechanisms or pathways by which the raw milk microbes benefit health. Microbes in raw milk produce vitamins and enzymes that enhance gut health. Microbes also produce antimicrobial compounds including proteins (bacteriocins) and organic acids like lactic acid that reduce pH and indirectly suppress pathogen growth, modulate the immune system, and reduce inflammation. 

The natural raw milk microbiota also enhances gut mucosal barrier function, and competes with pathogens in the gut nutritionally and spatially (colonizing potential bacterial binding sites, enhancing ‘colonization resistance’ to pathogens, and reducing pathogen infection rates). Consider recent evidence for benefits and risks for the breastmilk microbiota (Coleman et al., 2021a,b) and the cow milk microbiota (Dietert et al., 2022). A large body of evidence also exists that documents mechanisms of interference of LABs with pathogens, including pathogen virulence expression.

Want More Perspectives from a Microbiologist and Risk Assessor?

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Key References Cited

  1. Coleman, M. E., Sandberg, S., & Anderson, S. A. (2003a). Impact of microbial ecology of meat and poultry products on predictions from exposure assessment scenarios for refrigerated storage. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 23(1), 215-228.

  2. Coleman, M. E., Tamplin, M. L., Phillips, J. G., & Marmer, B. S. (2003b). Influence of agitation, inoculum density, pH, and strain on the growth parameters of Escherichia coli O157: H7—relevance to risk assessment. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 83(2), 147-160.

  3. Dietert, R. R., Coleman, M. E., North, D. W., & Stephenson, M. M. (2022). Nourishing the Human Holobiont to Reduce the Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases: A Cow’s Milk Evidence Map Example. Applied Microbiology, 2(1), 25-52.

  4. Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). (2009). Microbiological Risk Assessment of Raw Cow Milk. Available at:

  5. Oikonomou, G., Addis, M. F., Chassard, C., Nader-Macias, M. E. F., Grant, I., Delbès, C., ... & Even, S. (2020). Milk microbiota: what are we exactly talking about? Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 60.

  6. Ross, T., Ratkowsky, D. A., Mellefont, L. A., & McMeekin, T. A. (2003). Modelling the effects of temperature, water activity, pH and lactic acid concentration on the growth rate of Escherichia coli. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 82(1), 33-43.

  7. Reuben, R. C., Roy, P. C., Sarkar, S. L., Alam, A. R. U., & Jahid, I. K. (2020). Characterization and evaluation of lactic acid bacteria from indigenous raw milk for potential probiotic properties. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(2), 1223-1237.

  8. Salter, M. A., Ross, T., & McMeekin, T. A. (1998). Applicability of a model for non-pathogenic Escherichia coli for predicting the growth of pathogenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 85(2), 357-364.

  9. Tamplin, M. L. (2002). Growth of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in raw ground beef stored at 10 C and the influence of competitive bacterial flora, strain variation, and fat level. Journal of Food Protection, 65(10), 1535-1540.

  10. Wang, G., Zhao, T., & Doyle, M. P. (1997). Survival and growth of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in unpasteurized and pasteurized milk. Journal of Food Protection, 60(6), 610-613.

New Raw Milk Research from the 2020 IMGC Symposium

Takeaways from a RAWMI Farmer


The 17th International Milk Genomics Consortium (IMGC) Symposium was held on October 13-16, 2020. This year’s conference was presented virtually, to an audience of more than 270 people from around the world. As a raw milk farmer and Chairman of the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI), this was the 10th annual symposium that I have attended.  

Through attending these conferences year-after-year, I have developed many close relationships with university and PhD scientists.  Although the virtual format didn’t allow much in terms of one-on-one connections and conversations with researchers, nonetheless there were many fascinating presentations this year.  

This year’s conference focused on health impacts of milk, with particular focus on immune health, gut microbiome, and breastfeeding in relation to COVID-19. You can see a complete list of all presentations here. There were several presentations related to raw milk which I want to share with the raw milk community.  

University of California-Davis

University of California-Davis

Loss of Allergy-Protective Capacity of Raw Cow’s Milk After Heat Treatment Coincides with Loss of Immune Active Whey Proteins

Ling Xiong, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands 

This study “aimed at achieving a better understanding of the underlying mechanism between heat damage to whey proteins and allergy development.” Raw milk has been correlated with anti-allergenic benefits, and heat-sensitive whey protein has been hypothesized to contribute to these benefits. In this study, “raw cow’s milk was heated for 30 min at 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, or 80 °C [122, 140, 149, 158, 167, or 176 °F]… The allergy-protective effect of differently heated milk samples were tested in a murine OVA-induced food allergy model.” 

This study “tested the various heat-treated milk samples for their native protein profile and their allergy-protective capacity... the allergy-protective effect of raw cow's milk is lost after heating milk for 30 min at 65 °C [149 °F] or higher. This loss of protection coincided with a reduction in native immunologically active whey proteins.” 

Heat treatment at 65 °C or higher destroyed allergy-protective capacity of raw milk in murine OVA-induced food allergy model. Xiong, et al.

Heat treatment at 65 °C or higher destroyed allergy-protective capacity of raw milk in murine OVA-induced food allergy model. Xiong, et al.

The whey protein in raw milk provides protection from allergies, asthma, and inflammation.  When heated above 149 °F, these properties are dramatically reduced or eliminated. This finding is an important confirmation of the unique beneficial properties of whole, unprocessed raw milk. Raw dairy products such as cheese, butter, and strained yogurts would not be expected to have such strong anti-allergenic benefits because they do not contain whey. 

All across the world, when raw cheeses are made the raw whey is drained off and either discarded, used as a fertilizer, or fed to animals such as pigs.  Raw whey protein is arguably one of the most vital components in raw milk and it is literally treated as a waste byproduct. Some raw whey is made into powder and sold as a health product. Most of the whey protein powders on the market are not raw, but are highly pasteurized, spray dried, and oxidized. These widely available whey products no longer have the bioactivity found in the raw form.  

The new research on the anti-allergenic benefits of raw whey shows that, instead of being discarded, the whey left over from making cheese has great potential. Researchers called for innovation to bring raw whey protein to the market for the benefit of human health.  

B. infantis EVC001 Colonization in Breastfed Infants Modulates Cytokine Profile Linked to Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases

Bethany Henrick, Evolve Biosystems Inc., Davis, CA, USA 

This research at UC Davis has been studying the effects of Bifidobacteria infantis EVC001 on gut microbiome and immune health. “The intestinal microbiome plays a critical role in the development of the immune system…Stool samples were collected at Day 6 (baseline) and day 60 of life from exclusively breastfed infants (n=40) randomly selected to receive either 1.8 x 1010 CFU B. infantis EVC001 daily for 21 days starting Day 7 postnatal (EVC001) or breast milk alone (controls).

“Importantly, infants fed B. infantis EVC001 produced significantly decreased levels of [proinflammatory cytokines], while [beneficial cytokine considered to reduce autoimmune and allergic diseases] levels were significantly increased…

“These findings suggest a novel immunomodulatory function of B. infantis in breastfed infants… and further imply this strain of bacteria may [be]… critically important in the reduction of… autoimmune and allergic diseases.” 

The researchers have identified that Bifidobacteria infantis is critical to the training and development of T-Cells, which play a central role in the immune system. Historically, Bifidobacteria dominated the microbiome of breastfed infants. These beneficial bacteria actively train naive T-Cells into protective “Killer T-Cells.” This is foundational and is essential to the development of the newborn infant’s immune system. Under the current set of societal and nutritional conditions, Bifidobacteria in newborns are reduced due to limited breast feeding, use of baby formulas and antibiotics, and high C-section rates. This new research demonstrates that supplementation with Bifidobacteria is likely to improve infants’ immune systems. 

Image from Bethany Henrick’s Presentation at the 2020 IMGC Symposium

Image from Bethany Henrick’s Presentation at the 2020 IMGC Symposium

Evidence of a Significant Secretory-IgA-Dominant SARS-CoV-2 Immune Response in Human Milk Following Recovery from COVID-19

Rebecca Powell, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA

Researchers studied breastfeeding mothers and infants during the peak of the New York City COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020. It was found that COVID-19 positive mothers did not transfer the virus to their babies. Tests of the breastmilk of COVID-19 positive mothers found that there is a strong “SARS-CoV-2 immune response [in the form of antibodies] in human milk after infection in the majority of individuals.” Breastmilk from COVID-19 positive mothers contains antibodies which can then confer protection against COVID-19 to their breastfed babies. Interestingly, the milk from COVID-19 positive mothers has been shown to continue to contain COVID-19 antibodies even months after the infection.  

This is one of nature’s protective gifts. Mammalian mothers protect their young through breast milk and antibody sharing. This important fact has also lead other researchers to consider the use of immune milk from cows as a therapeutic food.  It was hypothesized that, if cows were exposed to coronavirus during the last stages of pregnancy, the colostrum they produced after calving would contain coronavirus antibodies.  

My own RAWMI LISTED dairy (Organic Pastures Dairy Company) worked with IMGC and UC Davis researchers in early 2020 to test this hypothesis in a pilot study.  The cows were exposed to a bovine coronavirus in late pregnancy, and their colostrum and milk were then tested after calving. It worked! Antibodies to coronavirus were found in the colostrum and milk after calving. This study is now being expanded at UC Davis using their own cows. Further work needs to be done to better understand any potential impact of antibodies in milk on older children and adults, who do not have permeable guts like young infants do.  


Milk, Nose, Gut: Microbiomes in the CHILD Cohort Study

Meghan Azad, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 

The CHILD Cohort Study ( is a study of 3,500 Canadian families from pregnancy onwards to understand the developmental origins of chronic diseases. This study has shown that breastfeeding and vaginal birth are associated with reduced risks of childhood asthma and obesity. These beneficial effects appear to be partly mediated by the infant gut microbiome, which is seeded with beneficial bacteria in the birth canal as well as through breastfeeding. Current research is focused on understanding “how breastfeeding practices and breast milk components (including bacteria, fungi, oligosaccharides, fatty acids, hormones and cytokines) shape the developing infant nasal and gut microbiomes and contribute to health and disease trajectories.”   

Raw milk from other mammals has been correlated with many of the same benefits as human breast milk. Like breast milk, raw milk contains a wide array of essential nutrients, fats, proteins, anti-inflammatory and digestive enzymes, bioavailable vitamins, and minerals, all in a natural form which is most easily utilized by the body.  

Image from Meghan Azad’s Presentation at the 2020 IMGC Symposium

Image from Meghan Azad’s Presentation at the 2020 IMGC Symposium

Difference in Levels of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein- and Nucleocapsid-Reactive SIgM/IgM, IgG and SIgA/IgA Antibodies in Human Milk

Veronique Demers Mathieu, Medolac Laboratories/University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA 

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts sought gain an understanding of the “presence and the levels of [COVID-19] antibodies” in breast milk. The researchers measured the amounts of various types of COVID-19 antibodies in breast milk samples from 41 women during the pandemic. They found that women who “had symptoms of viral respiratory infection during the last year” had higher levels of certain types of COVID-19 antibodies than women who had experienced no viral respiratory symptoms in the last year.  Heat treatment of the breast milk at 100°C (212 °F) for 30 minutes “completely inactivated” the antibodies. The researchers concluded that, “The presence of SARS-CoV-2-reactive antibodies in human milk could provide passive immunization to the breastfed infants.” 

This research has confirmed that antibodies are completely destroyed through heat treatment of milk. Breast milk must be raw in order to provide antibody protection to infants. This same science applies to raw milk from other mammals.


Closing Remarks

The symposium ended with closing remarks by Dr. Bruce German and Dr. Jennifer Smilowitz from UC Davis. They discussed two important upcoming needs in the community of scientific research about milk:

  1. Defining breast milk as the keystone research target of 21st Century for the public research funding agencies of the world, and

  2. Positioning food as the first line of defense for nourishment and therapeutics in emerging infections of public health impact. 

In other words, raw milk is considered to be the most important area of research going forward. This is because raw milk contains the bioactive genomic secrets of life, and to a large degree determines how well the immune system and gut microbiome will function. When the science of raw milk is better understood, human health will be improved and more illnesses will be prevented. 

In summary, this conference confirmed the following.  

  • Raw milk is a whole bioactive superfood that nourishes and builds the immune system.

  • Heat destroys the bioactive elements in raw milk that impart health benefits.

  • Raw whey is a new market opportunity, yet innovation will be required because the FDA forbids sale of raw whey. Safe raw whey must be produced in the same ways that safe raw milk is produced.

  • Raw breast milk provides protection against COVID-19 to breastfeeding infants. There is a need for more research into the immune-protective benefits of raw milk from other mammals.


Why Raw Milk Standards Matter

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Back in 2011 before the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI) was formed, there were no universal standards for safe raw milk production. Consumer demand for raw milk was expanding, as people learned about the health benefits of raw milk as well as the negative effects of pasteurization. There was a growing body of evidence that children who drink raw milk have decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, ear infections, fever, and respiratory infections. Whereas pasteurized milk is a top food allergen and difficult to digest, raw milk is actually a health-supporting food with rich therapeutic potential that is easily digested by most consumers. Yet, standards for raw milk varied widely from state to state and country to country. 

The occasional foodborne illness outbreaks that could be tied to raw milk continued to tarnish raw milk’s reputation.  And worse yet, some of these outbreaks actually led to life-threatening illnesses. As raw milk’s popularity grew, it was being consumed by a wider segment of the population including immune-compromised people. Whereas average healthy people are likely to have relatively mild symptoms from exposure to foodborne pathogens, immune-compromised people are more likely to have severe symptoms.

Perfectly Safe Food?

It is important to note that there is no such thing as a perfectly safe food. A CDC analysis of foodborne illnesses from 2009-2015 showed that the top food categories commonly linked to illnesses were chicken, pork, and seeded vegetables. Multi-state foodborne illness outbreaks have been linked to foods ranging from unpasteurized apple juice to ground beef to soy nut butter to lettuce.

Pasteurized milk is not perfectly safe, either, and is implicated in foodborne illnesses and outbreaks every year.  Although a wide range of foods including meats and vegetables are known to have the potential for causing foodborne illnesses, only raw milk is targeted by government regulators as a food to be completely avoided. Countries such as Canada and Australia currently have complete bans on raw milk.

Raw Milk Institute Method for Safe Raw Milk

The Raw Milk Institute was founded in 2011 to advance the cause of safe raw milk.  The numerous health benefits of raw milk make it an essential food, which is too important to be allowed to be systematically suppressed by regulators and government agencies. RAWMI sought to better understand the important factors in ensuring that raw milk was safe to consume.

In 2011-12, RAWMI brought together a diverse international group with the purpose of establishing standards for safe raw milk. This group included medical doctors and epidemiologists, nutritional consultants, veterinarians, food safety scientists, raw milk farmers, and raw milk consumers. This collaborative group developed the Raw Milk Institute Common Standards, which were initially released in 2012. 

The RAWMI Common Standards describe a three-pronged approach for the production of safe raw milk which consists of:

  • Farmer training and mentoring

  • Risk Analysis and Management Plan (RAMP) for the unique conditions on each individual farm

  • Stringent yet achievable bacterial test standards for coliforms and Standard Plate Count (SPC)

The Common Standards Work!

Since their release in 2012, the RAWMI Common Standards have become a foundational part of low-risk raw milk production across North America. When farmers are well-trained, use careful production practices as laid out in their individual RAMP, and perform ongoing bacterial testing of their milk, they can produce raw milk that is ultra-low-risk.

Researchers from Canada and Europe have studied the safety of raw milk intended for direct human consumption, and have specifically considered milk from farms who implement the RAWMI Common Standards. They have found that carefully produced raw milk is a low-risk food which is fundamentally different from pre-pasteurized milk. The implementation of the RAWMI Common Standards has led to a significant reduction in raw milk-related illnesses and outbreaks.

The table below contrasts pathogen test data from pre-pasteurized milk vs. raw milk intended for direct human consumption.  As illustrated in the table, pathogen testing of pre-pasteurized milk samples has detected pathogens in up to 33% of samples.  In contrast, there were zero pathogens detected in thousands of milk samples from raw milk intended for direct human consumption. It is clear from this test data that pre-pasteurized milk is categorically different from raw milk intended for direct human consumption.

Common Standards and RAMP 2020 Update

Knowledge about safe raw milk is continually advancing. With the review of the RAWMI Advisory Board and LISTED farmers, the RAWMI Common Standards and RAMP have recently been updated to include the latest information about best practices in raw milk production. The updated Common Standards and RAMP are also now inclusive of other dairy animals such as goats and sheep. The 2020 Common Standards and RAMP are available here:


The Fascinating History of Milk Kefir

kefir history.png

Milk kefir is a fermented probiotic drink that is renowned for its healthful properties. Studies have shown that milk kefir is correlated with a wide range of health benefits, including improved digestion [1], lower blood pressure and cholesterol [2], cancer prevention [1], improved immune systems [3], and reduced asthma and allergies [2]. Milk kefir is a thick and slightly effervescent drink, with a sour, creamy taste.

Milk Kefir is Unique

Although there are many different types of fermented milk around the world [4], milk kefir is unique because it is made with kefir “grains.”  Kefir grains are not true grains, but are actually symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeast in a protein and lipid matrix. Kefir grains resemble pieces of cauliflower, and they ferment the milk through breaking down the lactose into lactic acid and other beneficial components.

Milk kefir is now widely known and consumed in many countries throughout the world, but for many centuries, milk kefir was a closely-guarded secret of the Northern Caucasus region in Russia. The people of the Northern Caucasus region are renowned for their longevity, with one of the highest proportions of centenarians in the world. Milk kefir is a dietary staple in this region. 

Traditionally, milk kefir was made by combining fresh milk and kefir grains inside goatskin bags. During the daytime, the goatskin bags were hung in the sunshine of the doorways, and prodded or pushed by each person who went through the doorway. As the milk kefir was consumed, more fresh milk was added to the goatskin bag, forming a continuous fermentation cycle.


Grains of the Prophet

The people of the Caucasus mountains have been making kefir for hundreds (or even thousands) of years. In this region, kefir grains are known by the name “Grains of the Prophet” [5]. Their traditional legend about the origin of kefir grains is that the prophet Mohammed gifted kefir grains to the Orthodox Christians in this region [6]. Mohammed is said to have taught the people how to make kefir, and the people revered kefir as a health-promoting food.  

The kefir grains and methods for making kefir were kept secret by people in the Caucasus mountains for many generations. Owning kefir grains was equated with wealth in this region. The people believed that the benefits of kefir would somehow be diminished if the secrets of making kefir were shared outside of their region. Marco Polo is said to have tried kefir, and kefir was prized as a medicinal food, yet the keys to making kefir were not shared until the early 1900’s.

A True Tale of Deceit, Capture, and Retribution

Since milk kefir was a closely guarded secret, how did it ever become more widely known? This is where the story of milk kefir gets even more interesting.

The Russian immunologist Dr. Ilya Ilyich Metchnikoff (who received the Nobel Prize for his work on immunity in 1908) became interested in learning about the causes of the exceptional longevity of the people in the Caucasus region and other regions. Metchnikoff came to the conclusion that soured milk, including milk kefir, was one of the keys to longevity and well-being. Following the publication of Metchnikoff’s book, The Prolongation of Life, in 1907, the All Russian Physicians’ Society became determined to use milk kefir as a medicinal treatment for their patients.

Caucasus Region. Image from

Caucasus Region. Image from

The Blandov brothers, from Moscow Dairy, were commissioned by the All Russian Physicians’ Society to obtain kefir grains from the tribes in the Caucasus mountains. However, the tribes refused to sell any kefir grains to the Blandov brothers. Undaunted, the brothers came up with a scheme to obtain the kefir grains: they would send a beautiful woman to the court of tribal Prince Bek-Mirza Barchorov, and with her allure she would obtain the kefir grains. Irina Sakharova, an employee of the Blandov brothers, was chosen for this important mission [5].

Irina Sakharova and Prince Barchorov, 1908. Image from Revolution Fermentation

Irina Sakharova and Prince Barchorov, 1908. Image from Revolution Fermentation

Although Irina succeeded in attracting the interest of Prince Barcharov, he refused to give her any kefir grains. Irina departed from the Prince, but tribesmen were sent to capture her with the intention of forcing her to marry the Prince. The Blandov brothers mounted a rescue of Irina before the forced marriage could take place.

When Irina presented her grievance before the Czar, Prince Barcharov was ordered to make retribution to Irina. Although she was offered gold and jewels, Irina refused. She could only be compensated for what she had endured in one way: with kefir grains. The Czar ordered Prince Barcharov to give Irina 10 pounds of kefir grains!

Kefir as Medicine

Once the Blandov brothers had the milk kefir grains, they began making kefir for the All Russian Physicians’ Society. Kefir was used in Russian hospitals to treat a wide variety of conditions including digestive disorders, cancer, artherosclerosis, and tuberculosis [5]. Even now, kefir is routinely used for hospital patients, infants, and infirm people in Eastern Europe [7].

By the 1930’s, kefir was being produced on a large scale to meet widespread public demand in Russia. It took several decades for the commercial process of making kefir on a large scale to be perfected. Milk kefir was introduced to the western world by the 1960’s. Recently, milk kefir has become a much sought-after food with a rapidly growing global market.

Currently, many health-conscious consumers use kefir grains to easily produce their own milk kefir at home. Unlike the commercial kefir that was developed in Russia, most of the commercially-prepared kefir on the market today is made with direct-set powdered kefir cultures. These powdered cultures contain considerably fewer probiotic strains than kefir grains, but they produce a more consistent commercial product. From its ancient origins to today, milk kefir is a superfood that has enriched the health of humanity. 


[1] Zeynep B. Guzel-Seydim, Tugba Kok-Tas, Annel K. Greene & Atif C. Seydim. "Review: Functional Properties of Kefir." Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 51:3, 261-268, 2011. doi: 10.1080/10408390903579029

[2] Bourrie, Benjamin C T et al. “The Microbiota and Health Promoting Characteristics of the Fermented Beverage Kefir.” Frontiers in microbiology vol. 7 647, 2016. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00647

[3] de Oliveira Leite, Analy Machado et al. “Microbiological, technological and therapeutic properties of kefir: a natural probiotic beverage.” Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology] vol. 44,2 341-9, 2013. doi:10.1590/S1517-83822013000200001

[4] “Fermented milk products”, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, August 11 2020.

[5] Shavit, E. “Renewed Interest in Kefir, the Ancient Elixir of Longevity.” Fungi, vol. 1-2, 2008.

[6] Seifi, P. “Magical Kefir.” Russian Life website, 2016.

[7] Nielsen B, Gürakan GC, Unlü G. “Kefir: a multifaceted fermented dairy product.” Probiotics Antimicrob Proteins 6:123–135, 2014. 

Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Raw Milk - What Does the Data Really Mean?

antibiotic resistant genes.png

Government-Funded Study Finds ZERO Pathogens in Raw Milk Samples!

That’s what the headlines should have read.

Instead, the study was titled, “Reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes in retail raw milk” [1]. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), was not able to find any pathogens in raw milk. So instead they focused on trying to create fear of antibiotic resistant genes which were found to proliferate when raw milk was allowed to sit at room temperature for hours.  

Antibiotic Resistant Genes are Ubiquitous

Antibiotic resistant genes are everywhere. They’ve been found in every environment, including pristine habitats that have been virtually untouched by humans such as Antarctica [2, 3].  They’re even found in the dust of buildings [4].

“Antibiotics are ancient, dating back hundreds of millions of years. Resistance is therefore equally ancient, and the number of genes in the resistome is a reflection of the continuous co-evolution of small molecules in natural environments and microbial genomes.”  

-Gerard Wright, Nature Reviews Microbiology 2007 [3]

Given that they are ubiquitous in the environment, it is no surprise that there are antibiotic resistant genes in many foods [5]. Breast milk, too, contains antibiotic resistant genes carried on bacteria found in the raw breast milk [6].

Breastmilk and Antibiotic Resistant Genes

Researchers in Helsinki found that, even though breast milk contains antibiotic resistant genes, babies who were breast fed actually have less antibiotic resistant genes in their guts than babies who weren’t breastfed or who terminated breastfeeding early [7].  Researchers attribute this benefit to the fact that breastmilk promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria, which can then outcompete the bacteria carrying antibiotic resistant genes. Like breast milk, cow’s milk has also been shown to support the growth of bifidobacterial [8]. 

Potential Dangers of Antibiotic Resistant Genes

Antibiotic resistant genes can pose potential health threats in specific circumstances. When antibiotics are taken, the intestinal microbiome is disrupted as both beneficial and harmful bacteria are killed off. This weakens our immune systems overall [9]. If there are antibiotic resistant bacteria present in the gut, taking antibiotics actually allows these bacteria to proliferate in the absence of competing bacteria. There can then be infection or illness which is not able to be respond to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance is now responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people every year in the USA alone [10].

For example, C. diff. colitis (clostridium difficile colitis) is infection of the colon that results from disruption of the healthy bacteria in the gut, usually as a result of taking antibiotics. C. diff. can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, bloody stools, kidney failure, and even death. One of the best treatment options for severe C. diff. infections is fecal transplant. Severely ill C. diff. patients have a 92% cure rate from fecal transplants, which provide a healthy flush of poop from a healthy human donor into the colon [11]. The fecal transplant recolonizes the gut with healthy bacteria.

Zero Pathogens in Raw Milk Samples

Coming back to the study funded by the NIH and USDA [1], researchers found that antibiotic resistant genes proliferated in raw milk that was allowed to sit at room temperature for hours.  Their research showed that raw milk which was kept refrigerated had low levels of antibiotic resistant genes.  What this actually demonstrates is that raw milk from around the country is being produced very cleanly, resulting in low bacteria counts.

Most of the potential beneficial bacteria to be found in milk is from either fecal or soil origin. Yes…dirt is very good for you and a little poop does not hurt either [12]. It has long been understood that living in a farm environment has substantial health benefits over living in urban environments [13]. However, in our modern world with immune-compromised consumers, the raw milk standards have had to change.

For raw milk to be legal for sale and safe for the general public (including immune-compromised people), it must be very hygienic. It can no longer have dirt or poop in it. So, all that is left is clean, delicious, safe raw milk from deep inside the cow’s or goat’s udder. The government-funded study tested retail raw milk samples and they found ZERO pathogens! This should be celebrated as true progress towards farm cleanliness and testing.

“[Raw] milk samples in the present study were screened for Listeria spp., Salmonella enterica, and E. coli O157:H7. None were detected.”

-Liu et al. Microbiome 2020 [1]

Fermenting Raw Milk

For thousands of years, people have known how to ferment or “clabber” raw milk by simply leaving it at room temperature instead of refrigerating it.  In the absence of refrigeration, traditional cultures often consumed raw milk in fermented form [14]. Such milk would have contained ample beneficial lactic acid bacteria from the small amounts of dirt or manure that would have been present on the udders and teats of the milk animals, and would therefore quickly ferment at room temperature. 

In modern times, people have largely lost their taste for spontaneously fermented, sour raw milk. Raw milk farmers and consumers aim to maintain the sweet flavor of fresh milk as long as possible. The farmers do this by thoroughly cleaning the udders and milking equipment to ensure the milk will have low bacteria counts [15], as well as by rapidly chilling the milk and keeping it cold.  Consumers, too, work to make sure their raw milk is kept cold, even during transport.  Keeping raw milk cold allows it to retain its sweet taste and gives it a longer shelf life.

One useful point of information from the government-funded study was the finding that “spontaneous fermentation does not grow beneficial lactic acid bacteria”. This means that the very clean, low-bacteria count raw milk which is currently available in the USA may not ferment very well in the traditional way. The flavor of spontaneously fermented raw milk is not generally palatable to the modern raw milk consumer. Thus, most raw milk consumers actually work to make sure that their raw milk does not ferment and stays fresh and sweet.

Generally, raw milk consumers who intentionally ferment their milk will do so by adding beneficial bacteria such as yogurt starter or kefir grains. Kefir, in particular, is associated with a wide number of health benefits including lower blood pressure, decreased insulin resistance, tumor suppression and prevention, and improved composition of the gut microbiota [16-19].

The Bottom Line

The NIH and USDA-funded study found no pathogens in raw milk. This is further confirmation of the findings published in the January 2020 Journal of Epidemiology and Infection which concluded that “raw milk can be produced with a high level of hygiene and safety” [20].

The government-funded study focused on antibiotic resistant genes which can proliferate in raw milk that is left at room temperature for hours. However, it is no surprise that raw milk, like breastmilk and many other foods, contains antibiotic resistant genes. The presence of antibiotic resistant genes is not an issue unless the balance of good bacteria in the gut gets disrupted. Both breastmilk and raw milk are known to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria. The study completely ignored the growing body of evidence that has shown that children who drink raw milk have decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, ear infections, fever, and respiratory infections [21-23].

The best way to beat antibiotic resistant bacteria is to protect and nourish the biodiverse bacteria in the gut. You can do this by avoiding antibiotics and processed foods, which damage the gut and immune system [24, 25]. Instead, eat plenty of whole foods such as raw milk, milk kefir, grassfed beef, eggs, and fresh or fermented vegetables and fruits to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut and allow it to thrive [26].



[1] Liu, J., Zhu, Y., Jay-Russell, M. et al. (2020) Reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance genes in retail raw milk. Microbiome 899 (2020).

[2] Durso LM, Miller DN, Wienhold BJ (2012) Distribution and Quantification of Antibiotic Resistant Genes and Bacteria across Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Metagenomes. PLOS ONE 7(11): e48325.

[3] Wright, G. (2007) The antibiotic resistome: the nexus of chemical and genetic diversity. Nat Rev Microbiol 5175–186 (2007).

[4] Ben Maamar S, Glawe AJ, Brown TK, Hellgeth N, Hu J, et al. (2020) Mobilizable antibiotic resistance genes are present in dust microbial communities. PLOS Pathogens 16(1): e1008211.

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[6] Pärnänen, K., Karkman, A., Hultman, J. et al. (2018) Maternal gut and breast milk microbiota affect infant gut antibiotic resistome and mobile genetic elements. Nat Commun 93891.

[ 7] Ravindran S. (2019) Breastfeeding May Help Protect Babies from Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. SPLASH! milk science update: January 2019 Issue.

[8] Rova S, Rada V, Marsik P, Vlkova E, Bunesova V, Sklenar J, Splichal I. (2011) Growth of bifidobacteria and clostridia on human and cow milk saccharides. Anaerobe 17(5).

[9] McAfee M, Smith S. (2020) Immunity, the Immune System, and Raw Milk. Raw Milk Institute website.

[10] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019) More People in the United States Dying from Antibiotic-Resistant Infections than Previously Estimated. CDC website.

[11] Brandt L. J. (2012). Fecal transplantation for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 8(3).

[12] Akst, J. (2020) The influence of soil no immune health. The Scientist website.

[13] Wells, AD, Poole JA, and Romberger DJ. (2014) Influence of farming exposure on the development of asthma and asthma-like symptoms. International immunopharmacology, 23(1), 356–363.

[14] Levi, J. (2014) The Smoke Cured Fermented Milk of the Samburu. Presentation at Wise Traditions London 2014.

[15] Smith, S. (2020) Udder Preparation for Raw Milk. Raw Milk Institute website.

[16] Bourrie BC, Willing BP, and Cotter PD. (2016) The Microbiota and Health Promoting Characteristics of the Fermented Beverage Kefir. Frontiers in microbiology, 7, 647.

[17] Bellikci-Koyu E, Sarer-Yurekli BP, Akyon Y, Aydin-Kose F, Karagozlu C, Ozgen AG, Brinkmann A, Nitsche A, Ergunay K, Yilmaz E, and Buyuktuncer Z. (2019) Effects of Regular Kefir Consumption on Gut Microbiota in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome: A Parallel-Group, Randomized, Controlled Study. Nutrients, 11(9), 2089.

[18] Guzel-Seydim ZB, Kok-Tas T, Greene AK, Seydim AC. (2011) Review: functional properties of kefir. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 51(3):261-268. doi:10.1080/10408390903579029

[19] de Oliveira Leite AM, Miguel MA, Peixoto RS, Rosado AS, Silva JT, and Paschoalin VM. (2013) Microbiological, technological and therapeutic properties of kefir: a natural probiotic beverage. Brazilian journal of microbiology : [publication of the Brazilian Society for Microbiology], 44(2), 341–349.

[20] Berge AC, Baars T. (2020) Raw milk producers with high levels of hygiene and safety. Epidemiology and Infection. 148:e14. doi:10.1017/S0950268820000060

[21] Loss G, Apprich S, Waser M, Kneifel W, Genuneit J, Büchele G, Weber J, Sozanska B, Danielewicz H, Horak E, Joost van Neerven RJ, Heederik D, Lorenzen PC, von Mutius E, Braun-Fahrländer C; GABRIELA study group. (2011) The protective effect of farm milk consumption on childhood asthma and atopy: The GABRIELA study. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 128 (4): 766-73.

[22] Perkin MR and Strachan DP. (2006) Which aspects of the farming lifestyle explain the inverse association with childhood allergy? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2006; 117 (6):1374-81.

[23] Loss G, Depner M, Ulfman LH, Joost van Neerven RJ, Hose AJ, Genuneit J, Karvonen M, Hyvärinen A, Kaulek V, Roduit C, Weber J, Lauener R, Pfefferle PI, Pekkanen J, Vaarala O, Dalphin JC, Riedler J, Braun-Fahrländer C, von Mutius E, Ege MJ; PASTURE study group. (2015) Consumption of unprocessed cow's milk protects infants from common respiratory infections. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.  135 (1): 56-62.

[24] Watanabe K, Gilchrist CA, Uddin J, Burgess SL, Abhyankar MM, Moonah SN, Noor Z, Donowitz JR, Schneider BN, Arju T, Ahmed E, Kabir M, Alam M, Haque R, Pramoonjago P, Mehrad B, Petri WA. (2017) Microbiome-mediated neutrophil recruitment via CXCR2 and protection from amebic colitis. PLOS Pathogens; 13 (8): e1006513 DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006513

[25] Paula Neto HA, Ausina P, Gomez LS, Leandro JGB, Zancan P, Sola-Penna M. (2017) Effects of Food Additives on Immune Cells As Contributors to Body Weight Gain and Immune-Mediated Metabolic Dysregulation. Front Immunol.8:1478. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2017.01478

[26] McAfee M. (2020) Build Immune System Strength With Whole Foods: Drink Raw Milk! Raw Milk Institute website.

Immunity, the Immune System, and Raw Milk

Four Variables for Pathogenic Illness

Masks, social distancing, handwashing, testing: in the last few months, America has awoken to a whole new reality with an awareness that a compromised immune system is risky and dangerous. We are now talking about immune systems and compromised immunity like never before.  Yet, we haven’t been talking about host immunity, and why people have compromised immune systems.

We are the HOST and we have an immune system that protects us if it is strong. Bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens need a host to survive and thrive, yet pathogens do not cause illness in every host. Scientists and doctors agree that in order for a pathogen to cause illness, four variables must align:

  • A pathogen must be present

  • The pathogen must be virulent and capable of producing harmful effects

  • The pathogen load must be high enough

  • The HOST  must be susceptible to the pathogen

Misplaced Focus on Compromised Immune Systems

Health professionals and the news media have avoided  discussion of our host immune systems, which naturally protect us all the time from pathogenic threats. Instead, they talk about how people with compromised immune systems and comorbidities (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity) are being disproportionally affected by COVID19. Our American lifestyle and diet has predisposed large swaths of our population to having compromised immune systems and comorbidities.

Masks and social distancing aim to reduce the pathogen load, yet this narrative neglects the superior aim of strengthening the host. We have little  control over the strength of the COVID19 pathogen, and we can’t live behind masks forever, as we attempt to reduce pathogen load by social distancing and mask wearing  But what we can do is strengthen the host, and that means strengthening our own immune systems.

The best way to immunity is through

strong immune systems.

It is rare that healthy people with strong immune systems are significantly sickened by COVID19. As more and more antibody testing is performed on broad sectors of our population, it is being found that huge numbers of people already have COVID19 antibodies, even though they had no idea that they’d been exposed.  COVID19 has already become part of their adaptive immune response. “Herd immunity” is building whether we stand six feet apart, wash our hands or wear a mask….it is happening whether we like it or not.  The bigger question is: Are Americans up to facing this HOST threat?

Immune System Primer

The immune system is our body’s defense system that protects us from foreign invaders such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Immunity is developed by the immune system, and provides protection against illness from specific pathogens. Immunity from specific illnesses is achieved through both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Image from

Image from

The innate immune system is a rapid–response, whole body protective system that blocks, controls, neutralizes and eliminates pathogenic threats. Elements of the innate immune system include our skin, white blood cells, killer T cells, the gut microbiome, mucus producing cells, tear duct lactoferrin, mucus membranes, lymphocytes, phagocytes, MAST cells, and cytokines. Our innate immune systems  protect us all the time if they are strong and functioning well. The very last thing you would ever want to do is injure or disable this system. Yet, that is exactly what we do whenever we take symptom relief medications which block mucus production or other natural systems that protect us. Antibiotics have been abused so badly that we now have tens of thousands of people that die every year from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Our first-world innate immune systems and microbiomes have been damaged and  can no longer protect us.

The adaptive immune system is a slow-response system that creates specific immunity after the innate immune system has been the first line of defense. The adaptive immune system creates a long-term memory of the invader, thereby producing specialized antibodies against each specific invader. Antibodies can be likened to battle-hardened, experienced warriors who are ready to quickly protect against any similar attack that may come your way in the future. 

Vaccines aim to trick the body by introducing dead or weakened pathogens in an attempt to trigger the adaptive immune system to produce antibodies. It is possible to create immunity to a pathogen through vaccination and allowing antibodies to be created by your body’s adaptive immune response. Sometimes this works and sometimes it does not.

Creating antibodies means you must go to battle. Going into battle with a weak immune system is a serious risk! Having a strong, adaptive and resilient immune system is a powerful barrier to protect against bacterial, viral, and other threats.

We Damage Our Immune Systems

At the foundation of the immune system is the gut microbiome, which houses 70-80% of the immune system. In America we have embraced all sorts of things that weaken the gut microbiome: antibiotics, preservatives, GMOs, Roundup residues, high sugar diets, highly processed foods….these are all destructive to the gut microbiome and therefore they compromise the immune system. For instance, antibiotics weaken the innate immune system by disrupting the gut microbiome such that neutrophils and white blood cells are no longer able to react properly when threats arise. Antibiotics also weaken the adaptive immune system by reducing immunity to subsequent infection. Food additives such as preservatives effect immune cells and the inflammatory response, thus contributing to the development of comorbidities. Over the longer life experience, exposure to these foods and threats often manifests as chronic disease including diabetes, obesity, arthritis, asthma, whole body inflammation, heart disease etc.

Raw Milk and Milk Kefir Strengthen the Immune System

Nutrition is of prime importance in strengthening the immune system. Raw milk plays a very important part in building and strengthening both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Studies performed in Europe have shown that children who drink raw milk have decreased rates of asthma, allergies, eczema, ear infections, fever, and respiratory infections. These benefits are likely related to the active immune factors, biodiversity, prebiotics, intact protective proteins and other elements found in raw milk. Pasteurized milk does not confer these protective properties because the beneficial raw proteins and enzyme-based elements are denatured and inactivated by heat. Raw milk also contains antibodies which can be beneficial for the immune system.

Raw milk kefir is packed full of biodiversity and contains immune factors from the raw milk. Raw milk kefir is a powerful immune-building food which has been shown to stimulate and modulate the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the composition of the gut microbiome, and reduce allergies. Fermented milk has also been shown to reduce the duration of respiratory infections and colds in the elderly.

Raw Milk Is Similar to Breastmilk

Researchers have likened the protective effects of raw milk to those of breastmilk. Breastmilk is raw milk! Many “agents with beneficial anti-microbial or immune-modulatory effects are shared in bovine and human milk, such as immunoglobulins, cytokines, growth factors, lactoferrin, oligosaccharides, and milk fat globule membranes.”

A recent study of breastmilk from mothers with COVID19 in New York found that the breastmilk contained antibodies to COVID19. This means that infants of mothers infected with COVID19 would receive immunity-building properties directly through breastmilk. Similar effects have been demonstrated with hyperimmune cow’s milk, which has been shown to contain specific antibodies that may boost the immune system. When cows are purposely exposed to pathogens during the dry period, their colostrum contains antibodies to those pathogens for their calves at birth. Research at UC Davis is now investigating whether hyper-immune milk can be produced to protect humans from COVID19.

Raw milk is the first food of life. Its role is not just nourishment; raw milk protects the baby by building the immune system and contributing to a powerful gut microbiome. Over thousands of years of evolution, raw milk has been tested and refined by the trials of successive generations which allow only the best to thrive. The numerous immune system factors present in raw milk intentionally strengthen the baby’s weak immune system, with elements needed for both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Personal Responsibility for Our Immune Systems

Personal responsibility is critical in building strong immune systems. A strong gut microbiome should be the goal of anyone looking for long-term immune system strength and the subsequent immunity that this brings. Doctors cannot help us with this. We must take responsibility for our own health by purposely building and keeping our immune systems strong. We can care for our gut microbiomes by providing them with whole foods which nourish our biodiversity. Like breastmilk, raw milk and raw milk kefir are self-contained immune system building super foods. Four variables must align in order for a pathogen to make you sick. You have control over the HOST variable and perhaps can reduce the load variable. You are very much in charge of your health and your ability to adapt to all threats, today and into the future.  Drink up your delicious raw milk and thrive!
